Myths of elemental rebirths

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There is a myth about elementals. Hear me out, it may seem crazy, but they're real. I've seen them.

It was two immortals forever at the end, the final blow dealt simultaneously by each other - then they stay dead... For the next few decades.

Then they are reborn. They hold elemental powers, ones unimaginable by any mortal mind.

The most recent recording was seven decades ago, it is feared that they had finally killed each other off... Then it turned to not believing in the myth.

The thing is, the elementals are born, but don't know who they are or even have their powers - when they come it is completely random. They don't even really remember their past lives unless there is complete skin to skin contact with the other.

All that is known is that they are at ends with each other... Every time.


Barry felt everything drain from him when Zoom took his powers. He was numb, bearly felt it when he was thrown.

Moments after the impact, before Zoom could even run, Barry felt a wave of pure and wild energy rush through him.

A large cloud of electricity and fire poured from him. Before it had cleared, Barry was across the room. Zoom was pinned easily in his arms, his eyes were wide as he felt the raw power crashing off Barry.

Then Zoom felt his own powers start to be taken, he tried to fight it, but he could not. The moment that it was gone, he felt himself be thrown through a breach to his home Earth.

The whole of Team Flash was watching the exchange with their jaws dropped low. All they had seen was Barry lose his powers, be thrown across the room then suddenly have zoomed Zoom into a wall. Barry had also seemed to have taken Zoom's own powers and thrown the speedless-speedster through a suddenly appearing breach.


Months passed before the next elemental showed their true selves.

"There are no strings on me!" Snart called as the area exploded into white around him.

Next thing he knew was that he was laying face first on S.T.A.R Labs' floor. He back felt heavy. Just out of curiosity, he turned his head to look over his shoulder.

There was a pair of almost icicle streaks, in the shape of wings, on his back. He tightened his hands into fists, shocked as the floor made a scratch like noise. Bringing a hand to his face he saw why. His nails were sharp like talons.

In the distance, he heard the should of feet walking towards him. Out of panic and pure instinct, he scrambled to his feet, walking back into the far wall.

'Home, safe...' He thought to himself before his world was enveloped in white again.

"Hmm, I thought I heard something..." Cisco mumbled peaking his head into the room. Shrugging he continued to walk towards his lab.


Shouts rang out through the Rogues' warehouse as a shape fell on Lisa Snart.

The shape soon revealed themself as Leonard Snart as the man's head shot up, looking quite flustered.

Behind the man's head, there was a pair of wings made of icicles.

Snart quickly shot to his feet, regaining back his persona of Captain Cold. He suddenly realised that he did not have his cold gun... That was taken before he...died..?

Why didn't he die?

All the Rogues' mouths were dropped wide. There stood their boss, waves of wild and unrivalled power pouring off of him.

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