I'm you're biggest fan~

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"You're Iced Flash, Barry," the barrister said as she held out his drink to him.

"Thank you," Barry nodded as he turned to head towards his friends.

"You're late. Bar, how can you have super speed and still not be on time..?" Iris whinged, watching as he was the final one to take a seat at the table.

"Sorry, I guess the super tardiness kinda neutralises it," Barry laughed as he placed his bag on the floor and his drink on the table.

"You will never change, Barry, never change," Cisco laughed.


Through his laughing, Barry saw someone enter the building. They were covered in what looked like Warbler memorabilia. 'Let's hope they are fans of the new.' The person turned to show the unique logo the 2013 Warblers got for all their national wins. 'Ah, shit,' was the thought that went through his head as they locked eyes with him.

He swore he heard her squeal from across the room.

He tried to ignore her as she skipped over to their group. Hoping that if she heard him talk, then she would think that it wasn't him.

"Excuse me? Can I talk to you?" She asked, tapping Barry on the shoulder.

Glancing at his friends' confused faces, Barry answered, "of course."

As Barry got up, he grabbed his bag again; not putting it past his friends to have a peek at the contents. The two made their way over to an empty table, out of Barry's friend's ear range.

"Are you Sebastian Smythe?" She asked, barely holding back a squeal.

"What's a fine lady like you, asking for me for?" Bassy smirked.

That was it; her squeal was released as she threw herself on him.

Bassy held back a grunt as her elbow flew into his ribcage as she decided to see whether he was able to stop the two from falling over. "I'd let go now," he whispered into her ear, lacking most movement.

Her face blushed red as she realised what she had done. She scrambled back away from him, realising that she hadn't told him who she was. "I'm Susie," she blushed, "I've been a massive fan of the Warblers for years now."

"A fan, you say?" Bassy smirked, an eyebrow raised. "Which ones?"

"The 2013 Warblers!" Susie exclaimed.

"A true fan, I see," Bassy replied. "If you don't mind, I'll be heading back to my friends now," Bassy stated as he stood up from where he was sat.

"Could-could I get an autograph?" Susie questioned, "please?"

"How could I say no to that spectacular face?" Sebastian purred.

Bassy reached into his bag, pausing briefly. His fingers traced over a hidden pocket, before opening it. Within there were memories and photos from when he was the Warbler captain. Deciding on one, he pulled the image out, alongside one of his older pens that Dalton gave their students. He still couldn't believe he still had it, but it was coming in useful.

Susie squealed silently as Sebastian pulled out an image and quickly scribbled his signature on it.

"I think you'll find this up to standards," Bassy smirked as he got up to head back to his friends.


Barry returned as he sat down, facing his friends.

"What was all that about?" Iris asked.

I am... (Barry And Sebastian One-shots Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now