You were more than me?

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When Oliver woke up to find out that S.T.A.R Labs had invited him down to a glee group concert, this was not what he expected to find.

His sweet, innocent, pure ex singing and dancing with some of the most famous models out there. Let alone the flirtatious looks he kept sending to everyone.


"Now, we know that we may seem incomplete... It's true. We are," Nick started.

"Our resident billionaire playboy is not up here with us!" Jeff exclaimed dramatically.

"Don't look at me!" Oliver hissed as all of the people around him turned to face him.

"They don't mean Ollie, they mean Sebastian Smythe. Someone that I know very well." Barry stated, his eyes not leaving the stage.

Everyone's eyebrows raised drastically at Barry's words before they too looked up at the stage.

"Sebastian Smythe... Come out, come out where ever you are!" They both called into the air.

"Marco!" The Warblers shouted out from behind them.

"Polo!" Barry exclaimed as he stood from his seat.

Everyone stared in shock at Barry, why would he do that? At the top, three people walked in through an emergency exit.

"Good to have you back Bassy!" Everyone on the stage shouted at once.

"It's good to be back," Bassy smirked as he walked up to the stage.

"Wait, Bassy," one of the three mumbled in confusion.

"Lenny, you alright?" Lisa asked as she saw her brother stop to look at the stage.

"You guys go on, I think I just found some perfect blackmail for someone I know - that you also know," Snart smirked staring at Barry on stage.

"Who?" Mick asked as both Lisa and himself came to stand next to him to look at the stage.

"That one in the centre, tall and leaner one," Snart pointed out Barry to the pair.

"How do we know him?" Lisa asked, confused.

"You know him without realising, while I know him quite well," Snart explained as he continued looking over.

"When did you know a badge 'quite well'?" Mick grunted.

"For many years," Snart smirked before the pair walked off.

"Sebastian Smythe is back with I WANT YOU BACK!" Nick shouted before the Warblers began.

Together, they danced fluidly across the stage, igniting many giggles and coos from the crowd.

Oliver's eyebrows didn't stop being scrunched the whole time that Barry was singing. This was not the man that he went out with those five years ago, not the happy-go-lucky man that bounced with the innocence of a puppy. This was someone who knew how he looked and flaunted it.

He looked like a playboy and now behaved like one.

Soon that song faded into another and another and yet even more. It was clear that Barry was in fact in charge of the groups while the others followed his lead effortlessly.

After what felt like hours of performances, the show drew to a close as everyone clapped the group out.

In the corner of Oliver's eye, he saw Barry signal himself and the rest of them behind the stage. Soon they were all there, face to face with the man himself.

"I guess you probably need an explanation," Barry shrugged. "During my high school years, I joined Dalton Academy as Sebastian Smythe - previously in Paris as well. There I picked up a few names for myself, playboy, man-whore, womaniser, sex and alcohol addict."

"That does not explain the billionaire bit," Cisco pointed out.

"The Smythe family are a well-known family of billionaires - just so happens that through my mother's side I was distantly related to them," Barry shrugged as if that explained everything.

"And we are meant to believe that?" Oliver said.

"I would, he's not lying," Snart said as he appeared around the corner, "I looked it up as he spoke, everything matches up."

"When did you get here?" Everyone asked.

"When Barry first went up on the stage, perfect blackmail," Snart smirked before he headed off again.

"You going to stop him?" Oliver asked.

"No, he never does," Team Flash sighed as one.

"He's already got plenty of blackmail on me, he doesn't act on it," Barry explained, still leaving Oliver stumped.

"Ok, one question, Bar, what level of playboy were you counted as, I think I was 10 out of 15," Oliver asked, to the confusion of everyone but himself and Barry.

"I got 13 out of 15," Barry smirked before he turned on his heels and left them all.


I am... (Barry And Sebastian One-shots Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now