The master-meeting plan

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Ding. Ding. Ding.

Moments silence with what sounded like a sigh of relief.

Ding. Ding. Ding.

This was followed by a growl and a smashing noise as if the growler had smashed the alarm clock.

Looking at his clock, Barry sighed, "its a team meeting today..." He then continued in an almost whine, "the Cortex is going to be busy with two teams..."

Barry's eyes locked onto the hidden storage in his wall. A gleeful gleam filled his eyes as he got up. He turned the lock to 1-2013, number one captain from the 2013 Warblers.

Reaching in, his lips upturned into a smirk as he clutched at the leather bag.


Walking in with a stride to his step, Bassy rounded the corner to the Cortex.

"So you finally..." Cisco started before his words drew dry. His words brought the attention of everyone else, who also got left in a state of the dry-word.

"Now I know I'm the best looking here," Bassy purred, "but I think we have a meeting to attend to."

Bassy knew why they were staring. He's never worn something even close to this. He had a pair of combat boots on so that they were flame resistant. Leather trousers, meaning that he couldn't run without risking the fire anyway. A bright red t-shirt, reminiscent of being a Warbler and being The Flash. He paired it all with a leather jacket. On the inside of the coat was an embroidered Warbler logo, the Dalton Academy logo with a musical note across the front of it like a ghost. Even his hair was back in its jelled place.

They all eventually snapped back to reality and sat down to start the meeting. Kara and the rest of her Team joined in after the lunch break; that was when Bassy decided that he should begin his masterful plan.

Before the meeting was about to continue, Bassy started his talks off, "so, Oliver. Had any conquests recently?" He asked, making sure his tone made it very clear what type he meant.

He had caught the archer off guard as he nearly choked on the drink that he was trying to swallow. With scrunched eyebrows, the vigilante replied, "no..?" Although it came out more of a question.

"Shame thought someone like you would have them piling on," Bassy sighed before a smirk tugged at his lips as he purred, "although that just opens you up more, sugar arrow."

A growl came from Oliver's throat as he tried to take in the situation in front of him. Surely this was not the lightning puppy that made his mask before him. But the man's mannerisms were there.

"Fiesty!" Bassy clapped before his voice dropped as he leaned close to the man's ear, "I like that in my men." After that, he just turned away, dismissing it off like it wasn't anything. Oliver couldn't focus for the next hour, at least.

Next, it was Cisco.

"You know, all that nerdy high school presence you love?" Bassy whispered as Cisco went to make himself a coffee. "Superhot." That was enough to make the man scuttle off, his face red with fluster. Bassy didn't know whether to laugh or feel disappointed.

He would have done it with Kara. But a nagging feeling in the back of his head told him she would recognise him.

Time for Caitlin to meet Sebastian.

Just as she finished talking about all the medical notes and incidents, Bassy turned and whispered one single sentence into her ear in a low purr, "you're always welcome to poke and prod at me."

Caitlin's face didn't stop flushing until they had seen the two groups off and she manages to lock herself in her medical office for most of the night.

At that point, Bassy started to gain wary looks from everyone. He didn't get a chance to single any of them out - and that nagging feeling about Kara prevented him from doing it loudly in the meeting.

It seems like they decided to ruin his fun. How nasty of them.

Still, the fleeting looks he got from his overall behaviour combined with his clothing, was worth it. He swore he saw some of their eyes flicker up and down his body when they thought he wasn't looking.


Bassy lay in his bed that night, laughing himself to tears at his actions of the day. With a grin on his face, Sebastian faded away as Barry slipped into the world of sleep.

...Only to be woken up three hours later when amateur thieves forgot he could catch bullets.


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