Overworked (mature)

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The CCPD officers looked out from behind their computers as the famous model Santana Lopez walked through their doors. But instead of coming to the desk, she got close to the stairs and cupped her mouth.

"SEBASTIAN SMYTHE GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" Santana shouted at the top of her voice, confident that the meerkat would be able to hear her.

"Who's she shouting to?" One officer whispered to another.

Before the officer that they were talking to could reply, the resident CSI lab rat poked his head out of the stairs, "me," he stated calmly before straightening himself out, become what looked to be a different man before their eyes.

"Well well well, the criminal chipmunk finally makes his appearance," Santana clapped.

"Good to see you too, Satan," Bassy stated with crossed arms. "Now, tell me why you're here so I can finish the work I have."

"What I am here for is to get you out of that nest of yours," Santana said, staring him in the eye. She noticed that everyone was staring at the two of them, their mouths almost hitting the floor.

"Well, you've done that," Bassy stated before turning on his heels and starting to head back to his lab.

"You are working yourself to an early grave," Santana blurted the moment that his foot touched the first step.

"Don't you think I know that?" Bassy hissed over his shoulder

"Then why are you doing it?" Santana asked.

"Maybe because that's what I deserve after what I did to you, to all of you?" Bassy hissed again, facing Santana.

The CCPD workers were in absolute silence as they listened. Where was that happy-go-lucky CSI puppy of theirs?

"Why do you think that? You've changed since then. Made amends," Santana stated.

"It doesn't change what I did!" Bassy exclaimed, shocking everyone in the building, "Blaine nearly lost his eyesight! People nearly died! Nearly killed themselves because of me! And I was too much of a jerk to realise until it was nearly too late."

The only noise in the room was Bassy harsh breathing. They were shocked into silence. Not even Santana had a retort for Bassy's exclamation.

"So, tell me this. Is it so bad to wish the same on me?" Bassy said at an almost whisper.

"Yes," Santana softly said, "because you are a kind soul who has a dark past. That's all it is. And you have made peace with those demons, don't let them retake you."

"Maybe the demons have caught me again?" Bassy whispered, "but would you care? Would you miss me if I disappeared?"

"Where would we be without you, Bassy?" Santana asked.

"In a better place. 'Cause when the villains fall, the kingdoms never weep," Bassy started singing softly, remembering how well this fits, "no one lights a candle to remember. No, no one mourns at all. When they lay them down to sleep."

The CCPD stared at Bassy with their jaws on the floor. None of them had an idea that he could sing, didn't even cross their mind. And then what he chose to sing, wasn't a hero, wasn't someone done something terrible. But instead, a villain, a lyric about a villain's death and funeral.

"No one deserves to be forgotten. No one deserves to fade away. No one should come and go," Santana sang, walking forwards towards Bassy, letting him know what she was doing, "and have no one know he was ever even here. No one deserves to disappear."

I am... (Barry And Sebastian One-shots Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now