Their return

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"Oh, Bassy!" Someone screamed as they almost launched themselves at Barry.

Barry grunted as he was knocked off his chair, "what are you doing?" He asked, trying to get the wriggling man off him.

"Don't you remember me?" The man asked, staring down at Barry.

"No, I don't," Barry grunted, pushing the man off him so that he could get to his feet.

All of Barry's friends were watching the interaction with avid interest.

"But how could you forget such a night?!" The person gasped, before coming closer and trying to whisper a growl in Barry's ear - messing up thanks to how much liquor he's had, "I certainly didn't, the feeling in my ass made sure of it."

All around them, Barry's friends started to choke on their drinks. Was the man suggesting what they thought he was suggesting? But then they sighed, this was Barry they were talking about. The stranger probably had the wrong person.

"2013 or 2014?" Barry asked calmly, feeling Sebastian start to rise.

"2013," the man said like it was apparent.

"What month?" Bassy asked, a smirk starting to cross over his face. When the man's face betrayed his confusion, a smirked covered Bassy faces as he purred, "I was very busy that year."

Nope, Barry's friends were choking. The man did mean what he meant, and it was meant to be directed at Barry. And when could he smirk like that?

"April," the man said.

Wait, when could Barry smirk full stop?

"Hmm, I must have caught you during the time where I wasn't at high school or modelling at Paris. I don't think that I had any competitions then," Bassy mused, "seems reasonable."

"What is going on here?!" Cisco screeched.

"Oliver wasn't the only one with a large wad in his pocket and a reputation to follow when he was younger," Bassy stated.

"Who's Oliver?" The drunk asked, almost puffing up.

"Oliver Queen."

"You know that guy?" The drunk asked before sighing as he tried to dig himself into Bassy deeper, "wait, of course, you do."

Now Cisco saw an opportunity, "why is that?" He asked.

"Because he's Sebastian Smythe, duh," the drunk replied.

"And you're drunk," Bassy stated, pushing him off his lap, "find me again when you're sober, and we'll see."

The man smiled, nodding rapidly before turning a green colour and hurrying off towards the toilets.

"Sebastian Smythe?"

"My adoptive name," Barry stated, "new name, a new personality."

"You were trying to defend yourself," Caitlin realised.

"Nearly dying many times means you tend to do that," Barry sighed, "I'd rather not talk about it."

"Why's that?"

"Because of that! I nearly killed people!" Barry growled, "luckily people realised how much of a dick I was and stopped people from dying."

"You nearly killed people?"

Bassy's body tensed, hissing as he stood, "what part of I don't want to talk about it don't you understand? I was a bully and a high school villain, simple as that." Taking one last look at his friends, he turned on his heel and marched out of the door.


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