Money in his pocket

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"Merry Christmas!" Cisco yelled.

"Shut up," Caitlin snapped, holding her head in her hands. "Some of us had one too many drinks last night."

"Well that's your fault then," Cisco shrugged, ignoring his thumping head.

"Who's was the idea of Christmas Eve drunk shopping?" Barry asked with a smug grin.

"You, Mister 'I can't get drunk' need to stay out of it!" Cisco stated, wincing as his raised voice caused his head to thump.

"Shall we get on?" Joe sighed.

"Right!" Cisco clapped "presents!"

"Sounds good to me," Barry said.

"I'll go first!" Cisco said, almost giddy. He slowly went around, passing the presents around. His eyes were gleaming as he watched everyone open their gifts.

Caitlin got a new modified microscope, allowing her research on the speed force in Barry's cells to be sped up.

Iris got an add-on for her laptop to help speed it up with a simple switch.

Joe got the new version of the meta cuffs and the 'stay hidden masks'. Cisco realised that he needs to work on a better name for them.

And finally, Barry got a new suit. It had a range of further improvements like a webbing of sorts that spreads around his feet if he was to end up submerged in water.

"Guess I'll go next," Iris shrugged.

For Cisco, she got him some new soldering iron. She figured he could never have too much.

For Joe, she gave him a leather padding to be able to hang next to his gun to prevent some of the bruises he started to get as he ran.

Barry got a discount card to Jitters so that he could get more of the drinks he loves.

For Caitlin, she gave her some glass vials for her research.

"I presume I'm next?" Joe asked as he gave out his.

He got Barry a new pair of running shoes that he had Cisco line with the same material as his suit so that he would stop going through them so quickly.

Caitlin got a set of reports about the newest meta's DNA. All with the Captain's permission, of course.

Cisco got a bunch of metal parts and bolts for any projects that he is working on.

For Iris, he got her a monthly subscription to Interviewers Weekly.

"Alright, my turn," Caitlin stated as the presents were passed around.

Iris got a new recording device to take with her during interviews that also served as an SOS alert system if needed.

Cisco got a subscription of Engineers Daily Juice, just for the fun of it she threw in a carton of juice.

Barry got a new gel to slow his hair growth hopefully, so he doesn't have to cut his hair every week.

For Joe, she got him a dilute form of Barry's blood so that he can recover quickly if he was reshot. It would only work for ten to fifteen minutes, but it would be enough to stop him from bleeding out.

"My turn!" Barry grinned as he quickly flashed out of the room to gather the presents.

Joe, when he unwrapped it, looked at what seemed to be another bullet vest but instead for the whole body. 

"Its made of Kevlar. Those bullets will not get through this time," Barry grinned.

"Bar, surely this was expensive?" Joe asked.

"It was nothing," Barry shrugged it off.

Caitlin looked at the massive present next to her. When she unwrapped it, her mouth dropped. It was a state of the art DNA sequencer.

"I heard your discussion about seeing whether one of the other labs will help fund for one," Barry grinned, feeling Sebastian start to bubble to the surface.

Iris opened up her box to see what looked to be the best laptop currently on the market as well as a new dictaphone.

"I had both custom made and then personally added a few extra upgrades for extra security backups," Bassy stated, holding back on smirking for now.

Now Cisco was worried to open up his present. Everything that Barry had got was expensive and personalised. It floored anything they got him or each other. Opening the box, he was met with a set of keys.

"Follow me; I think you will find a new room in S.T.A.R Labs, amazing that none of you noticed," Bassy smirked.

He led them up to a door where he nodded for Cisco to go open and enter. His smirk grew as he heard the gasp that left Cisco mouth.

"I millikelvin freezer and a vacuum cylinder?!" Cisco squeaked, almost unable to speak.

"I figured you needed them," Bassy shrugged with a smirk.

"These cost millions, near billions to get!" Cisco exclaimed, "how did you manage to get a hold of them? All of the presents you got us are way out of your budget by a long shot!" He then quickly added at Bassy's raised eyebrow, "not calling you cheap or anything!"

"They are more in budget then you could ever imagine," Bassy smirked.

"Explain," everyone stated, crossing their arms.

"You would not believe me if I tried," Bassy huffed before walking out of the room and flashing away.


"Is anyone else confused by the presents Barry gave you?" Oliver asked Team Flash over the speaker.

"Definitely," they replied.

"What did he get you?" Caitlin asked.

"A new set of arrows," Oliver replied.

"That doesn't seem so strange," Iris stated.

"They're diamond-tipped," Oliver monotoned.

"Trust me; Barry has done things like that to all of us. Spent millions on one of us even," Caitlin stated.

"Did he explain why?" Oliver questioned.

"No, he said that we would not understand," Caitlin sighed.


And in a warehouse at the far side of town, Snart was staring at the goggles in front of him in confusion.

"Enjoy the upgrade; they will now be able to tell temperature differences, meaning you mostly can see through walls as well as bringing up details on the person," Bassy smirked.

"What brought this on?" Snart asked after a moment of silence.

"It's Christmas!" Bassy smiled before flashing off.

"You alright, Lenny? Jailbreak paid a visit?" Lisa said as she flew into the room moments after Bassy left.

"Remind me to stay in a hero's good book," Snart mussed.

"Why?" Lisa asked, curious as to why her brother would say such a thing.

"Scarlet just gave me a present that allows me to see heat signatures and pull up information on anyone that I see with the capability to read the heat signatures through a wall," Snart stated, "he says the reason is Christmas."

"This just proves your not hero and villain to each other anymore," Lisa giggled before hurrying out of the room.


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