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"Karaoke time!" Cisco yelled over Barry's earpiece. Barry hissed, his ear ringing with the volume of it.

"You alright there, Scarlet?" Snart asked, noticing the hiss and subtle flinch. He lowered his gun as he approached to check on Barry. He dropped the stolen jewel on the floor, not caring about it anyway - wasn't shiny enough.

"Don't worry, Snart, Cisco wants us to do karaoke..." Barry sighed.

"Snart's there? He can join in!" Cisco exclaimed.

"Never mind, you need to worry," Barry said before flashing them both to S.T.A.R Labs.

"I got it!" Cisco giggled when he saw Snart arrive.

Snart sighed and fired his gun onto the floor moments later having Barry slipping over it as he came running back after getting changed.

"You planned that..." Barry hissed.

"I did it more to the fact that your shoes would be on fire," Snart said, pointing to the soldering shoes. "You slipping over was just an add-on that was greatly appreciated."

Barry quickly got to his feet and used the ice on the floor to cool down the shoes without overly damaging them by stamping around with them.

"We can get Barry and Snart singing this!" Cisco giggled, the music to Thin Lizzy's Jailbreak filling the room.

Barry and Snart shared a look, not wanting to sing but if they were going to be made to - then they would make sure that the others won't forget it in a hurry.

Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak
Somewhere in this town
See me and the boys, we don't like it
So we're getting up and going down

Barry started to sing, his voice fitting the song perfectly.

Hiding low looking right to left
If you see us coming I think it's best
To move away do you hear what I say
From under my breath

Barry was sharp with all the sounds that he made, making sure that he got the point across as Bassy rose.

Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak
Somewhere in the town
Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak
So don't you be around

The other mouths dropped when Snart joined in with the singing, the two's voices complementing each other.

Don't you be around

Bassy felt the onset of a smirk coming.

Tonight there's gonna be trouble
Some of us won't survive
See the boys and me mean business
Busting out dead or alive

Everyone was shocked as Barry's singing potential increased - little did they know it was because Barry was not facing them anymore.

I can hear the hound dogs on my trail!
All hell breaks loose, alarm and sirens wail
Like the game if you lose
Go to jail

Bassy's voice easily made the transitions between the pitches of the song.

Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak
Somewhere in the town
Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak
So don't you be around
Tonight there's gonna be trouble
I'm gonna find myself in
Tonight there's gonna be trouble
So woman, stay with a friend

If the others thought that Barry's and Snart's voices worked together before, then it was nothing in comparison to now.

I think it's safer...
Because the boys are back in town...

Bassy's voice almost whispered as he sang.


It was like a third person had just entered the room.

Tonight there's gonna be a breakout
Into the city zones
Don't you dare to try and stop us
No one could for long

The others were dancing along.

Searchlight on my trail
Tonight's the night all systems fail
Hey you, good looking female
Come here

Bassy himself was dancing along as he sang, his voice dropping towards the end - ripping the breath out of everyone watching.

Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak
Somewhere in the town
Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak
So don't you be around
Tonight there's gonna be trouble
I'm gonna find myself in
Tonight there's gonna be trouble
So woman stay with a friend

The others cheered as the song came to an end, almost like they were clapping Sebastian away and leaving Barry in his place again.

"When could you both sing so well?!" Cisco exclaimed.

"Who's let him at the sugar? That's the question I want to be answered," Barry said, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Not sure, one moment he was fine, I left the room for a few moments, next he was like this," Caitlin sighed as she pushed the hyper Cisco into a chair.

Soon everyone had sung as well as getting as drunk as they could while not passing out.


Stand corrected, Cisco just passed out. Could be from the sugar could be from the alcohol - might be a mixture of the two...

Eventually, Snart managed to get the others to realise that he had to go. And he finally didn't get hugged by them as well.

"I'll take you," Barry offered Snart.

Turning around to disagree, he saw the pleading in Barry's eyes and sighed his agreement. He found himself in the same forest spot from so long ago.

"I presumed that you did not actually want to go back but just wanted to get out of the building?" Barry said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, your friends are somehow more annoying when drunk than before," Snart stated, shaking out his shoulders.

"Want to go to Saints and Sinners?" Barry questioned.

"Yeah, alright," Snart shrugged, already used to Barry randomly appearing in the place to be fazed.

"Just need to stop by my place first," Barry smirked before Snart felt himself be zoomed away.

By the time that Snart had stabled himself this time, Barry was in front of him equipped in a leather jacket and trousers with a red shirt on underneath.

"Don't worry, these shoes are fireproof," Barry smirked before he whisked the both of them away to the place they were heading.

Let it be said, they enjoyed themselves much better while they were there instead of when they were at S.T.A.R Labs.


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