You can sing? (short)

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Barry loved the fact that two of his favourite friends moved and opened a place near him.

Nick and Jeff moved to Central City three years ago and opened the Niff Vocal Coach. It was a singing coach place that Barry spent some of his time helping out at. He took the lessons sometimes, and Nick and Jeff got free time for themselves.

No one of Barry's Central City group knew about this. That was how he wanted it to be - secret. Unknown.

Sometimes fate needs to unplug the headphones and listen.


Barry was in the sub lesson room. He had been asked to take a bunch through a song - apparently 'Into The Unknown' by Frozen Two was what they wanted. Who would have thought that? So he was told by Nick that they needed the best singer to teach it. Apparently, that is him.

"Right through here please," Barry heard the receptionist say before the door opened.

He was in a copy of his old Warbler uniform - complete with the Niff Vocal Coach logo in place. His hair was slicked back and gelled to perfection.

"He's our best singer, easily the one that everyone wants," the receptionist giggled.

"I wouldn't say that. What would they think then?" Bassy smirked.

"Barry?!" Iris gasped as she and the rest of Team Flash - Snart along as a victim.

"Iris?" Bassy questioned. "Anyway, on with the lesson."

Everyone lined up in front of him as he started to go through the warm-up, any personality trait only found in Barry disappearing.

"I do not expect you to get this song on your first go, nor do I expect you to get this song completely at all," Bassy said in an almost militarily way, "what I do expect if for you to heed my every order."

The others were wide-eyed as they stared at the man they once thought that they understood.

"Now I will sing, and you will listen silently," Bassy stated, "afterwards I will teach you how to start to sing this song." With that, Bassy walked and started the music.


Bassy was ready to sing.

I can hear you, but I won't
Some look for trouble while others don't
There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day
And ignore your whispers, which I wish would go away, oh

The watchers were amazed when he sang the original version, not the male cover one.

Ooh, ah

The others were going to be shocked, that's what Bassy knew.

You're not a voice; you're just a ringing in my ear
And if I heard you, which I don't, I'm spoken for, I fear
Everyone I've ever loved is here within these walls
I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls

He could not help bringing some actions.

I've had my adventure; I don't need something new
I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you

The others were getting prepared for what was to come as the volume increased.

Into the unknown..!
Into the unknown..!
Into the unknown.!!

All their jaws dropped as Bassy hit the notes.


Bassy smirked at the expressions.

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