Revenge really is best served cold

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There was an uproar at S.T.A.R Labs. Barry had just flashed in, smiling happily at his long-term girlfriend.

"I'm breaking up with you, we are not right for each other," Iris said, her hands crossed over her chest. Without a second thought, she brushed by him, leaving the room. In the background, you could see Joe nodding along - he thought that too it seems.

The others only saw the tears well before Barry had zoomed out of the room.


It was when he was out stopping a heist that someone finally broke the walls that rose.

Snart was fed up with not knowing what was wrong. He dropped the jewel in his hand, the dull surface clattering on the concrete as he approached the silent speedster. "I'm worried. You are never normally this... silent," he asked softly.

"Just leave it..." Barry sighed, turning his head away from Snart as the man stood in front of him.

"No, I won't," Snart whispered just as soft, holstering his gun. He was prepared when he felt the familiar pull of superspeed snd the appearance of their spot in the forest. What he wasn't prepared for was Barry Allen, not The Flash, crouched against a tree, head between his knees.

Barry stiffened when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him before he relaxed against the cool body next to him. With his head now buried in the neck of Leonard Snart, whose hands slowed rubbed his back until his breath calmed and tears stopped, he let all his walls fall completely.

Snart stayed with him until he felt the speedster calm, that's when he pulled back, feeling like he overstayed his welcome and his own personal bubble, "you alright there, Barry?"

Barry laughed through another sob, "guess I didn't realise just how much I needed that..."

"Even though we're on opposite sides of this fight, I'm there for you, Scarlet," Snart said, staring straight into the eyes of Barry to get his point across.

"Thanks," Barry smiled.

"I'm here for you," Snart said, "always," he whispered, a smile spreading across his face.


"Santana," Snart said into the phone.

"Leonard," Santana started, "that is a voice I did not think I would hear again."

"How well associated are you with one Bartholomew Henry..." Snart started.

"I don't know anyone by that name," Santana butted in.

"...Sebastian Smythe Allen?" Snart finished.

"This has to do with the Meerkat?" She asked.

"How do you know him exactly?" Snart asked, only remembering her mentioning the name in fleeting.

"The Meerkat and I fought - I came from a school of girls and boys while he came from an all singing and dancing (quite literally) prep all-boys school. We fought through the glee groups, then to the fact that my school made a hero group," Santana started.

"What, he wanted to join the hero club?" Snart asked, wondering why this would cause arguments.

"No," she stated like it was the most obvious answer in the world. "He created a villain one in retaliation - his then spiralled way further than ours and became the official villainous group of Ohio and Paris. Three months before graduation, I solved our differences and joined his group and was under the leadership of the Seductive Demon."

"Wait, Scarlet was a villain?!" Snart exclaimed.

"Who's Scarlet and if its the Meerkat, then yes?" Santana asked.

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