(Mature warning) Always the metas that mess with everyone

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Knock knock

"This thing working?"

Knock knock... BANG

"Oh, sorry about that. See, I needed all of you lot. Just so happens a little chaos was needed to cause it. Don't think any of you are seriously hurt?"

"Fuck you, you twat, my legs broke!"

"Oops? It will be fine... I hope... Anyone a doctor here? No? Ah, it's only a broken leg, you will be fine!"

"I'm the doctor, twat!"

"Ehehehehe... Shall we get on now?"

"Who are you?" Barry called up to where the noise was coming from.

The last thing that any of them could remember was that a couple of criminals were being brought in then an explosion
happened. Barry was downstairs because he was about to bring The Captain a new forensic report when the explosion happened.

"Well, one could call me... Wait... What should I be called? Wheres Team Flash when you need them?"

There were two snorts that echoed around the room.

"What are your powers, if you have any?" At the strange looks Barry was getting he whispered to them, "would you not like to know what we are up against?"

"I can cause chaos. A room that traps everyone in it until they Sing! Until they sing with the person that they know dearest! How fun!"

"Hows Chaos Chorus?" Barry questioned.


"Can we go now?" All around people were looking hopeful.


"Damn it!" A couple of people hissed.

"Now! On with the show!"

The first up was about six cops at once. Everyone in the room agreed that they were currently deaf now. After performing, the six were made to sit next to each other.

Finally, it was coming down to the last few. Mick had sung on his own - ouch, so sad... Although it was surprising, wasn't Snart and himself attached at the hip? Joe and The Captain had sung together - with their history, it came at no surprise to anyone.

There were four people left in the room. Some random officers, Barry and Snart.

As the two officers were forced to sing up front, Barry and Snart locked eyes with each other - suddenly, it clocked to them. They probably knew a lot about each other through the way they battle and jeer to get ahead of each other.

"Oooh goody, isn't this a surprise!" The voice came over them again making them all jump. "I certainly didn't expect this to happen."

"What?" Was all people were able to say before Snart felt himself be pulled up to the front.

People felt sorry for the poor man - even if they were slightly delighted by it - when no one else appeared on stage next to him.

Here we are again
I feel the chemicals kickin' in
It's gettin' heavy
And I wanna run and hide
I wanna run and hide

Snart felt relieved when Barry did not appear next to him. Maybe they would be getting away with it.

I do it every time
You're killin' me now

I am... (Barry And Sebastian One-shots Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now