The hero, the villain, the scientist, the vigilante, the doctor and the cop

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"Alright, so, I have made this new mixture." Cisco started when he saw that everyone he asked for was in the room, "it compels the person, to tell the truth - Harry Potter being the inspiration - so I thought the best way to explore its limits would include a bottle, lots of alcohol, truths and dares! Some would you rather as well; I even made a computer system to give them to us!"

Everyone in the room sighed, looking at each other, knowing that they had no way out of this. Barry had felt the meta wards be put up, Snart had felt it when both himself and Barry crashed into a desk as he lost his speed. Caitlin was already practically chained to a chair. Joe was staying there because he did not trust Snart, Barry and Cisco in a room together. Oliver's bows were being held hostage - he was not going to leave until he had those back.

"Ok, sit, sit!" He ordered, forcing people to sit where he wanted them to rest.

Barry was sat down at the centre near his suit stand, Snart was to his left, then there was Cisco, then Oliver, the Caitlin and finally Joe was sat down - completing the circle. The computer was set up to answer to their voices, and the bottle was set up in the middle. About a crate of beer was sat next to everyone and a cup of the beer before them.

Oliver was first, so he called out his name.

"Oliver, dare, pick someone to read their last text out loud. For every word, you have to drink." The computer said as everyone sniggered around him.

"Alright," Oliver whispered before coming around to face Barry who he thought would rarely get messages, "Barry," he said as he picked up the glass.

"Ok," Barry whispered before pulling out his phone and going scarlet, "so, it will be at the museum down the street from where you now live, hope you enjoy. I'm sure that you know who this is."

Snart's face betrayed the fact that he knew about what that message meant. He was the one that sent it, telling Barry where the next heist was because he didn't want the gem his Rogues were wanting, and it was easier to say The Flash stopped it then say no with empty and unworked hands.

The twenty-plus words meant that Oliver ended up finishing his first glass and half of the next. He was not a happy vigilante, to say the least. He spun the bottle which landed on Cisco - much to the pleasure of most people in the room.

"Cisco, dare, answer 'shut up' to the latest Facebook comment you got," the computer said after Cisco said his name.

Grumbling under his breath, Cisco did as he was told, Joe's phone pinging afterwards.

"Really? I was your most recent?" Joe asked in disbelief.

Cisco didn't answer in the better answer of spinning the bottle.

"Snart - no you will be Len tonight," the computer corrected the sneering Len, "truth, how young were you when you started buying your own alcohol? Did you need a fake ID?"

"Buying? Ten and no. It was at a black market pub, they didn't care for age," Len grumbled, cursing the mixture that Cisco had made. He spun the bottle, it landing on Joe.

"Joe, dare, for the next two rounds you can only drink by letting the person to your right pour it into your mouth."

"Fine," Joe mumbled before spinning the bottle, having it land on Barry.

"Barry, no Bassy," the computer said, making Barry's jaw drop and Sebastian to rise, "dare, softly blow into the ear of the person to the right of you."

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