Two for one

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The first sign that something was wrong was that there was no strategic planning to the heists. The second was when mid-heist they started to argue and fight - much to the amusement of the scarlet speedster they were meant to be fighting.

Feeling like he owed Snart one, Barry decided that maybe it was time he pulled out his old uniform and stand in Snart's place.


"Who are you?" Lisa asked.

In front of them, was someone who must be no older than twenty-five, dressed with a form-fitting black and red mask and leatherwear. The mask allowed the view of the slicked hair, wide smirk and acidic green eyes.

"I'm an associate of your boss, he's asked me too 'take you under my wing' while he's gone because you sure need the help," Barry said, his hands casually resting in his pockets.

"He never talked about you," Lisa pointed out.

"Doesn't surprise me," Barry shrugged, "my whole identity has been a secret and to the fact that I haven't appeared in over five years as well."

"Who are you?" One of the Rogues asked.

"I'm the Seductive Demon," Barry said, his chest puffing out, "leader of the Sexy Villains and crime boss of Ohio and Paris."

"So, Lenny knew you through your past?" Lisa questioned.

"No," Barry stated before smirking, "he and I had a few run-ins a while back, stayed in touch since."

Lisa looked at him suspiciously while the Rogues mumbled to each other before deciding that, seen as the man was offering - as well as saying that he knew the boss personally -, they were going to give him a chance.


Turns out that 'chance' was one of the best things that they could have done. Suddenly all their heists seemed to work - now, while the Seductive Demon never went with them, he always planned for anything that could happen - they were reaping more and more rewards. It seemed like The Flash was almost predictable to the man, just like how he was predictable to Snart.

Team Flash was getting more and more annoyed. Barry wasn't helping with that at all, he would disappear for hours at a time, often reappearing in a completely different mood than the one he left in - Cisco wondered whether he was dating someone, Barry very quickly put that idea down.

Iris, however, was the one to first figure it out. She started to look into the areas around the Rogues and Barry - she found links in how they worked to how Barry used to think when he was younger.

She worded her observation to Joe, he also agreed with what she was saying. So they called for a family meeting.

"Barry, we want to ask you about the Rogues. We thought that they were going downhill after Snart was gone - but then they suddenly shot up again, as well as behaving and thinking as you used to," Iris stated as Barry took a seat in front of them.

Barry's guard was instantly raised, while nothing on the outside suggested the change, the insides were taught and ready to act instantly.

"We want to know why you're helping them," Joe said, ever straight to the point.

"I couldn't let them fall just because Snart and Mick had left," Barry said, eyeing the two of them carefully, "it's temporary until Snart gets back."

"Could you not have locked them up somewhere even just while Snart's away?" Iris asked.

"Why would I lock them up? Its horrible, nasty and, honestly, a lot of them didn't mean to cause the trouble that they did. That's why Snart took them in the first place," Barry said, getting out of his seat as the other two did the same.

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