You need to get in there (extended)

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Barry cradled his coffee in his hiding place within the CCPD. It was quiet. Something rare within the building. Although, maybe it wasn't the best thing for today, as Barry found himself bored.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

The mug paused mid-movement to Barry's mouth as he stared at The Captain as the man paced around the room with his hands in the air. This seems interesting, he mused with a smirk leaning back silently, bye, bye, boredom.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," The Captain growled, pacing more, "how the fuck are we meant to do that?!"

"Anything I can help you with, Captain?" Barry spoke, hiding his grin behind his mug.


"That's my name, yes," Bassy nodded.

David's eyes narrowed, "how long have you been there?"

"The whole time," Bassy smirked, "now, I repeat, anything I can help you with?"

"Unless you're secretly French, no."

"Well, then!" Bassy clapped, "you're in luck! I am!"

"Wait- what?"


"There is no way this will work," David stated as Barry walked in with a suit bag.

"You don't know me that well then," Bassy smirked.

"I've known you since you've been a kid, Allen," David pointed out.

"But you didn't know me during my high school years," Bassy smirked, "also, for this, I'm not an Allen," he then threw The Captain his French id.

Flicking it open, David's eyes widened, "where did you get a fake id?" He growled, looking over at Barry.

"It's not fake; I legally am Sebastian Smythe," Bassy smirked, "now we need to get going; we can not be late."

"We have like two hours," David pointed out.

"I need time to get changed," Sebastian smirked.


It took every bit of Police training to stop David's jaw from dropping; it could not prevent his eyes from widening, though.

Barry was swaggering towards him, a large smirk across his face. His personality and behaviour screamed cocky. His hair was jelled slick, a skin-tight red silk shirt. An equally skin-tight pair of leather trousers seemed sprayed onto his legs alongside the smooth black leather jacket he wore. The shoes were like mirrors as he walked.

"See something you like, David?" Sebastian purred.

David's eyes narrowed. His mind was trying to catch up that the man before him was Barry Allen, the nerdy CSI.


"Where does being French come into this?"

"It doesn't; I was trying to move the conversation away."

"Well then, that did not work."

"Not at all."


"I moved away from Paris to get away from you, Smythe," the security guard growled as Sebastian showed him his id, "I hope I won't have to write another sign to ban you."

"Who, for me?" Sebastian gasped, "I'd never get banned!"

"I remember having to drag you naked away from the bar after you drunk it dry," the guard growled.

I am... (Barry And Sebastian One-shots Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now