You're calm?

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Barry could say today was boring, but that wouldn't be fair. Everyday was boring.

He wondered why he still continued to work, but then he remembers that no-one knows he has more money than them all combined. Sometimes being an heir to multiple multimillion dollar companies, alongside taking the money from Reverse Flash has it perks - one of those was having no need to work. A con is it is better for people to not know, and have to go to work, anyway.

He tapped his fingers, stareing at the already solved rubix cube, starting to run on his fingers, he was trying to buy time while the annalasis was happening, but there is only so many times you can solve the cube at the speed of light before even Cisco's enhanced one melts.

When the machine pinged, he sighed with relief. Grabbing his laptop, he brought it over to the analysis. Quickly typing out the report, muttering under his breath as he typed quicker than the enhanced computer could handle. Eventually getting it finished, he sent it off to print, wincing at the squeal of the old printer made.

It was silly that he had to print even this loose report. Final reports being printed made sense, allows it to go into both digital and physical storage, but the rough didn't need to.
He's pretty sure the rough doesn't go into either storage. The Captain just liked to read physical papers.

He was muttering under his breath about how stupid it was, so ingrossed in it, that he was at the bottom of the stairs by the time he realised there was a hostage situation taking place within the CCPD.

Barry looked around the room, noticing there was someone he didn't recognise as being a meta or a known criminal. They were holding a young member of the public hostage; he recognised them. The hostage was a young girl, only ten, they'd rescued from a trafficking ring.

The CCPD all had their weapons drawn but not pointed at the hostage-taker. All Barry had was the papers in his hands. He could hardly use his speed.

Barry's eyes went wide as the unknown stared straight at him. He'd never seen actual galaxies in people's eyes. The whole eye was a swirling blue and purple with white and yellow spots all over. That man was an unknown meta of some sort, but otherwise, he looked completely normal.

"I see I am not feared enough," the meta said, his voice rough like they only just got up. "Let me explain what my powers are."

Barry could watch the meta's hand slowly raise towards him, a galaxy beam shooting out their hand. He couldn't dodge it at this distance without revealing his powers. So instead, he braced and hoped for the best as it hit him.


"Allen!" David shouted, watching as the young CSI disappeared through the wall. He stared at the unmarked wall with a pile of what used to be Barry's clothes at the bottom in a heap. He turned to face the meta with a growl. "What did you do to him?"

The meta stared at the wall, his hand wavering in shock. "I'm- I'm not too sure," the meta whispered, his hand falling to his side. "It's never done that before."

"What does it normally do?" David hissed out between his teeth.

"Knocks them back, most of the time knocking them unconscious," the meta said. "I've never seen it send someone through a still standing wall."


Barry grunted as he heard his powers activate. He felt his skin prickle at the sensation of moving through a solid object before he hit something without fazing through it. His back stung, and he was suddenly cold.

I am... (Barry And Sebastian One-shots Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now