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Jannat and Siddharth are still working it's almost 8:00 pm their working time was only till 7:00.
But as Jannat felt bad for coming late she decided to do some extra work .
Siddharth was very impressed by it.

Siddharth- here have some coffee you must be tried.

Jannat- yaa tysm sir.....sir if you want you can don't have to stay late...I'll lock the office when I go.

Siddharth - what makes you think I'll give my office keys to you? Ik my sisters trusted you but that is not enough you need to earn my trust too and anyways I have a lot of work to complete so I don't mind staying.

Jannat- (to herself) ughhh I was trying to be friendly with him but him.... can't he just show some decent human emotions 😤 there was no need of being so rude.

Siddharth looks at Jannat and she seems angry and a bit sad and he feels something he never felt before....he felt bad for her.

Siddharth- Jannat I'm sorry if I was rude I didn't mean to hurt you...I'm just very serious about this company.

Jannat(to herself)- it's like he can read my mind

Jannat - it's okay🙂...btw sir I'm done with my work... should I leave now.

Siddharth- yaa sure, WAIT let me drop's too's not safe for you to go alone.

Jannat- Sir it's okay I can go.

Siddharth- I'm your boss you have to follow my orders.

Jannat (to herself) - "that I'm your boss you have to follow my orders" Turned me on. Ughh why does he has to be so damn hot and so damn rude at the same time. Relax Jannat...he is engaged and above that he is your boss.... remember you hate him.

Jannat- ok.

Both of them get into Siddharth's car.

There is a lot of traffic so they are moving very slow.

Siddharth- So...what made you work at Nigam Industries.

Jannat- Actually love doing business and above that I live with my sister so we need money lol.

Siddharth- your sister she is elder to you or younger.

Jannat - elder to me.....I think you might know her , her name is Vaishnavi Zubair.

Siddharth- ohh vaishu di......Surri and Sammy's Bestfriend.

Jannat- yup.

Siddharth- it's weird actually....i have visited your house so many times but I never see you.

Jannat- yaa I usually go out when you guys come over....I'm very reserved so I don't talk to many people and above that I hate yo....... Umm i hate meeting new people

Siddharth- ohhh okayy.

Jannat- you are engaged right?

Siddharth- yaaa

Jannat- ohh cool. Ughh so much traffic.....we haven't even covered half the road.

Siddharth- ikr.

Jannat- and even with Ac on it's so hot , I hate summer.
She removes her blazer again.

This time Siddharth has a closer look at her "FEATURES" he is getting so hard ....his part is erected. All he could think about is fucking her and then throw her away....but she is a very good secretary and he doens't want to her as his secretary.

After about 5-10 minutes of silence.... Siddharth notices a head on his shoulders.....he feels chill running down his body. She could get a very clear view of her cleavage.

Jannat hands falls on his pants touching his part.....which becomes so erected.
Siddharth is so turned on rn.....he is rubbing his part with her hand.

Siddharth - damn it I can't control now.

As Jannat is sleeping he slowly takes some pills out of his pocket they were sleeping pills, he wanted to make sure she doesn't wake up for some more time.

What is Siddharth going to do with Jannat now😳🤔

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