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Riyaz and Anushka are on the office,

Anushka- you never told me you and Jannat are together.

Riyaz(not sure how to answer)- y-ya we ac-actually kept it pretty low key.

Anushka- oh.

Anushaka's POV

I can't beleive this, Jannat and Riyaz are getting married all along my plan was that I'll get married to Siddharth and fulfill Dad's wish and divorce Siddharth and then live happily with Riyaz! But he is getting married to Jannat!!! Only this one news and it feels like my whole life is falling apart. I thought he had feelings for me I always felt some type of connection when I was with him! He didn't feel any of that? Was I only imagining? I need to know what he feels about me...

"RIYAZ....can I ask you something?"

Riyaz - yaa sure.... What's up?

Me- do you really love Jannat? Don't you think you are rushing into marriage.

Riyaz- idk.

Me- ughh what do you know then?? Don't tell me you didn't knew I love you?

Shit!! Did I just say I love him ?
He suddenly stops working and looks at me. Shocked expression all over his face.

Riyaz- y-you what?

"Nothing.... doens't matter.... I'm getting married to Siddharth and you are getting married to Jannat.. .let's focus on that"

Riyaz- no no no y-you jj- just said you love me?

"Let's not talk about that ever okay?"

I turn around to go back to my working space. When Riyaz grabs my waist, turns me towards him and plants a sweet gentle quick kiss on my lips.

He looks at me....his eyes asking me if I want this to go any further.
I answer him, by kissing him back.

Within the next few minutes, we were completely naked.... feeling each other's body. It felt like two seperated lovers met after a eternity.
He inserted his manhood in me, claiming me as his.
After 30 hot minutes, it struck me Riyaz is marrying Jannat. But I was too much in love with him to care about all that. The only thing I knew was that he was with me right now! And that is all I wanted , HIM TO BE WITH ME even if it is for a day.

After almost hour or two, we stopped.
Riyaz looked at me. "I love you too...I always have but I didn't knew how to tell you...I thought you loved Siddharth"

Me- was just a act tbvh dad blackmailed me.

I tell him everything.

Riyaz- wow...your acting Is too good!!

Anushaka- also don't love Jannat?

Riyaz- no ....she kind of forced me to act 😂...we are just know till the time you said ily...I was confused why Jannat forced me to act like this....but then it clicked me the way I figured out she loved siddharth ,she might have figured out I love you....and this was all a plan to get us together.

Me- she is one intelligent girl 😂...wait what did you say? Jannat loves Siddharth😯??

Riyaz- " Yaa a lot"

Me- ohhh that's great, now atleast I don't have to keep up the act of loving siddharth up.....we can just tell Siddharth what situation I am in and I'm sure he'll help... right?

Riyaz- he's very rude I don't think he'll help.... but we have Jannat 😂...I'm sure she'll convince him.

Rinushka and Siddjann together 🙈🥳💃✨
Only a few chapters and then thsi story will end❤️
Thankyou for all the Love and Support 💜

I'm also thinking of starting a new Siddjann fanfic ... Give story suggestions please 🙈

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