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Siddharth opens the car door for Jannat and asks her to sit.

He also sit on the drivers sit and they go for a long drive.

Jannat's POV

I'm in my boss' car who is btw engaged to someone and damnn that sexy chest , I want to touch that chest so bad. Why is he shirtless!? He is torturing me or something.

POV ends

Jannat- Where are we going.

Siddharth- I don't know.

Jannat- what do you mean you don't know?

Siddharth- Well.... I'm just taking the car wherever I feel like.

Jannat- What!? How are we going to go back.

Siddharth- calm down ...there is something called as Google maps. I'm sure we'll find our way back.

Jannat- Hmm ok.

Siddharth's POV
Have I been on long drives with girls before? Absolutely no... All I ever do with girls is call them at my home or go to their home, have a good sex and then bye. 
But there's something about this girl. She....makes me do things I wouldn't usually do

Why did I even bring her on a long drive ? Yes, cause I felt like spending time with her. Why? Why does she affect me so much?

POV ends

Siddharth stops the car at some lonely one was around there.

Siddharth- get out

Jannat- excuse me?

Siddharth- I mean if you want to you can come out and enjoy the beautiful view from here.

Jannat- Ohhh so you do know where we are.

Siddharth- Ya this is my fav place... The city looks very beautiful from here.

Jannat gets out of car .

Jannat- really does look beautiful.

Siddharth comes near her and looks at the view too.
Jannat looks at Siddharth and he looks at her.

They are lost in each other and after sometime they come back to their senses.

Jannat shifts her gaze towards the sky.

Jannat- so come here often?

Siddharth- Ya this is where I come when I need to Espace from something.

Jannat- ohhhh what are you escaping from today?

Siddharth (in mind)- What I am feeling for you
Siddharth- Nothing today I just came here to relax.

Jannat- well Thankyou for sharing your secret spot with me.

Siddharth- 😊

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Siddharth is realising his feelings for Jannat....will is accept it or deny it?

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