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Siddharth was sitting quiet throughout this whole thing because he was too shocked to respond. He couldn't beleive that the girl whom he poured is heart out to yesterday is marrying someone else on the same day as his wedding.
Finally after processing all this thoughts hr spoke,

Siddharth- Everyone get out of my office right now! This is a goddamn office and you are hear discussing marriages. Anushka you go to your office, we will meet in the evening to discuss rest of our plans.  Riyaz , before coming into my office please ask for my permission you are Jannat's Bestfriend/ boyfriend whatever you are you still need to ask for my permission I'm the boss, you can discuss your wedding plans with her later, now go! And Jannat I want you to stay here and work. Stop all this discussion it is getting on my nerves.

Jannat- oh- ohkk.

Riyaz and Anushka go back to their office.
Now only Jannat and Siddharth are in his office.

Siddharth grabs Jannat's arms and pins her to the wall.

Siddharth- I don't want you to marry Riyaz!

Jannat is still acting 😜
Jannat- W-why can't I marry him?

Siddharth- because you are mine. I love you. Why can't you love me?

Jannat- because I love Riyaz...

After saying this she Bursts pout in laughter

Jannat- 😂😂omg....I'm sorry lol.  😂😂I can't do this anymore.

Siddharth- what. (In a serious look)

Jannat changes the position now she pins Siddharth to the wall.

Jannat- you are such an idiot! I don't love Riyaz silly😂 I love... 

Goes near his ear

Jannat- YOU.
she kisses him on the cheek and looks in his eyes.

Siddharth again changes the position and pins jannat to the wall.

Siddharth( looking in her eyes) - Really?

Jannat- yaaa.....I love you Siddharth whatever just happened was just a act.

Siddharth- but why act.

Jannat tells him what happened with Riyaz yesterday and how she thought Riyaz and Anushka loved each other and now after today's act she's sure that both of them love each other.

Siddharth- you naughty girl.

He kissed her neck....

Jannat's POV

All rational thoughts flew from my mind and all that remained in my world was Siddharth and his hands all over me; His mouth on mine, his hands on my body, his scent surrounding me. His tongue was in my mouth as I grabbed his hair and wrapped one leg around his bigger one.

"Fuck." He swore as he carried me wrapping both my legs around his torso. That action brought his erection in contact with my jeans clad ass and I moaned into his mouth.

"Sid" I whispered as his mouth came in contact with my neck and he sucked. That action was like a lightening bolt running straight to my groin. I moaned out loud as I tugged at his shirt wanting it off. I wanted his bare skin against mine, desperately, quickly, madly, Now!

He seemed to get the idea as he put his hands in the air and pulled his head away from me. His eyes were blazing, his pupils dilated with hunger, with lust, with love. His intense look made me take off his shirt even quicker than I would have and believe me I wanted it off fast. He seemed to want the same thing as he reached for the bottom of my shirt to undress, and I complied eagerly.

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