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Jannat's POV

Siddharth lead me to the balcony , I was feeling so on age. I am not understanding what I am doing...even after knowing he is getting married to Anushka I kissed him AGAIN! what happened in the office wasn't enough Horny ass had to kiss him here also....but it's good that he stopped the kiss, he probably understood what we were doing was wrong.

"Aree where are you lost? I brought to hear to listen to my life story and you are here lost in your thoughts"

There my train of thoughts was broken.

Me- I'm sorry I got distracted. Soo yaa please tell me..

Siddharth- I know everyone thinks I'm this Playboy...who doens't care about anyone. But the only reason I don't care about anyone is because ever time I let myself care all I get is hurt. I loved my mom and she left us, she went and formed a new family and completely forgot us. I loved my dad , and god took him from us. That is why I have such hard time letting people in. I don't let myself care.
All I ever cared about was the company coz I knew would never hurt me it was in my hands. And all the meaningless sex with random girls is just timepass coz according to me meaningless sex is better than a relationship atleast I won't get hurt.
But there is something about broke my shell.... without even knowing I let you in....I started liking everything little thing about you . I feel the need to share every all the good or bad things that happened to me with you. Ever since I met you I can't stop thinking about you are always on my mind...even when I'm with some other girl...all I could think about is you. I'm ready to break my engagement with Anushka and let the company suffer a servere loss, if that means I get to have you. I guess what I'm trying to say is ......i-I  l-love you.

Siddharth Nigam LOVES ME?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY? do I love him too? Idk I'm super confused.

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