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Siddharth's POV

I was finally having sex with Jannat.  I had to thought of stopping but then some one knocked on the door.
After Jannat and I cleaned up and returned back to our places I called the person in.

A well dressed person came in, dark haired, brown eyes I didn't knew him but I felt like I saw him somewhere.

"Hi Siddharth Sir, If you don't mind can I borrow Jannu for sometime. Its super urgent" he said.

He knows me? And he is calling Jannat Jannu ohhhh ohh ohhh now I remember he is Riyaz, Jannat's Bestfriend.
Before I could answer him he went to Jannat's desk and was talking to her and both of them were giggling. Watching them together a sort of anger formed inside me and I was having this deep feeling of throwing this person out of my office. But I was also feeling sad cause I never see Jannat so relaxed around me.

"I'm sorry Riyaz, but I need Jannat here. You can talk to her after office hours." I said in somewhat harsh tone. why? U don't know why but seeing both of them together gets on my nerves.

"Please it's only a matter of 20-30 minutes" he said.

"No means no...we have important things to do right now so please go."

He gave me a little "You are a super Rude person" look and went out of the office.

Now it was again me and Jannat.
I went near her table. But before I could speak or do anything she said,
"Look Siddharth...... whatever happened between us can't happen again, we work together and you are my boss it was super unprofessional and it was just a moment of weakness"

"And above that I see you and Anushka are still Engaged...I know casual sex is a regular thing for you and I'm not judging you but I don't want to hurt Anushka she's a good person and she trusts me. "She added

Okay so here's the thing, having sex with Jannat I don't think it was just like any other casual sex, It felt like it was something more. NO I DO NOT HAVE FEELINGS FOR HER but when she's near me, my heart starts beating fast, when she touches me it feels like I'm in heaven, and when she kisses me it feels like I should keep kissing her and never stop. You guys get it right ? I don't have feelings for's just that I want her to stay with me all the time, I want her to talk to me about her problems and I hate seeing her with anyone else...who get what I am saying right?

Was I sad that Jannat wanted this to stop? Yes.
Was I going to tell her and look weak ? No. 

So I said , "Ya you are right. We shouldn't be doing this and I have decided to marry Anushka next Sunday. "

Jannat- "uhhh what? Are you serious"


Jannat- "well ummm.... congratulations 🙂"
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