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The rest of the day in office went by very fast.
Just about 30 mins before leaving Jannat receives a message from Vaishnavi.
" will have to come to the Nigam house with Siddharth I took your car for a meeting...I'm so sorry..byee see you there 😘

Also wear something classy..THIS IS IMPORTANT"

Jannat texts back
"Okay...but you owe me😒"

Jannat kept the phone on her table and started working again.

Siddharth came to her table,

Siddharth- we need to leave in 10 mins....we don't have time to go to your house and then again go back to your house here I ordered some clothes...wear any one you like but hurry. We are getting late.

Jannat- chill it's just dinner..and I can't take these clothes...they are too expensive.

Siddharth - it's a gift from bhaiya to change fast bhaiya told me to get there as soon as possible.

Jannat- okay....I'll go change

Jannat abd Siddharth both change in fancy outfits abd decide to meet in the parking.

Jannat abd Siddharth both change in fancy outfits abd decide to meet in the parking

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Jannat comes near the car

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Jannat comes near the car. Both of them see each other and start checking each other out.

Siddharth- you look ravishing miss Jannat.

Jannat- Thank you look quite handsome too .

Siddharth- I always look handsome,😌

Jannat- ( self obsessed much?)

Siddharth opens the car door for her and both of them go and sit in the back seat .

Siddharth's POV

Last time I was alone with her in this car...I almost was going to have sex with her.... Today I have to control myself  but the outfit she is wearing isn't helping... I can see her curves, her sexy cleavage , her long legs....they make me so hungry...but damn it she's my secretary! And the most important rule I have is to never sleep with my secretary.

Why did bhaiya asked me to pick her up yaar...😩
And those dresses....why the hell is bhaiya spending so much money on MY SECRETARY!!
And today's dinner.... bhaiya never invites her for dinner so why today?

I swear to god if both of them are nailing each other...I'm gonna lose it.

POV ends

To fill up the awkward silence Jannat starts to speak ,

Jannat- so dinner today huh anything special?

Siddharth- idk.... Vaishnavi di comes for dinner very often but idk why today they asked me to dress fancy.

Jannat- yaa ... Abhishek has been coming over for dinner a lot lately...he's a good person are lucky to have a brother like first I had a completely different impression of him but once I got to know him... I found out how wrong I was..

Siddharth- yaa Ik so you and bhaiya....have you two uk....

Jannat- what?

Siddharth- have had sex? He was a playboy like me but since a few months he stopped fooling around with randos so I thought...hmm....he might have fallen in love and then I saw how he immediately forgived you for being late so thought maybe you too have been screwing

Jannat- what!!! How can you even think of that....! He is like my big brother and also kind of my boss ...I would never!! Omg I can't believe you thought I would do something like this ... Ughhh

Siddharth- I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you ...I was just a little curious

Whether Siddharth showed it or not but he was feeling such relief after knowing she and his brother are not anything.
But why did he care?

Jannat is still angry on Siddharth for asking her that question so for the rest of the car ride she doens't speak anything with him.

When they reach The Nigam House, they head straight to the dinning table where everyone was waiting for them.... Jannat greeted everyone and goes to sit beside Vaishnavi ....but the seat is already occupied to she has no choice then to sit beside Siddharth.

Jannat,looks at Samriddhi, Surabhi and Abhishek- thankyou so much for inviting me 😊.

Abhishek- no problem.

Vaishnavi- so guys Abhishek and me have something very important to tell you.

Abhishek- we have been dating since a few months.

Jannat is the most shocked after hearing this, she can't believe Vaishnavi hid this from her....she gives her a angry look.

Abhishek- decided to get Engaged and as you all are the most close people to us....we decided to only invite you.

Vaishnavi- so welcome to Abhishek and Vaishnavi's engagement.

Both of them showed them the rings on both of theirs fingers.

Jannat- wowww!! That's so great... congratulations you guys....I'm so happy....(looks at Vaishnavi) I hate you for hiding this from me but I love you for giving me such a nice jiju.

Siddharth- both are total goals ...I always knew something was going so there

Jannat(softly)- yaa right

Siddharth(softly)- any problem?

Jannat (softly)- you just accused me of sleeping with your brother and now you are telling you knew about Abhishek and Di? And you still thought there was something between me and are so cheap.

Siddharth(softly)- control miss Jannat I am still your boss and I'm sorry for what I said it won't happen again

Jannat- it is a happy ocassion so I forgive you 🙂

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