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Anushka's POV

Yes! Me and Sid are finally getting married next week. I'm so happy 💃💃💃
Jannat thinks he is not right for me but what she doens't know is I'm going to divorce him after marriage. It is all my dad's plan he wants me to act innocent in front of Siddharth and his family so they don't find out about this. So I have to pretend to be in love with Siddharth. I don't like pretending like this. I don't like lying at all but my dad is forcing me. He found out that I had a secret crush on my assistant, Riyaz and from then all he is blackmailing me. He is saying that if I don't marry Siddharth he will fire Riyaz and I know how much he needs this job right now. So I can't let him lose his job.

It all started a few months ago,


Me and Riyaz were discuss about our presentation. And our hands slowed brushed on each other. I looked into his eyes and I immediately knew I was in love with him. He's so kind and caring. We were going to kiss at that moment but my dad caught us and he immediately called me into his office,

My dad- Anushka what is this? I haven't made you the boss so that you kiss some nobody . He is nothing compared to us. He's so poor . He can never keep you happy.

Me- But I love him dad, I don't care if he's poor. He kind and sweet and caring .

Dad- no!! I want you to marry Siddharth Nigam, I would be good for our company and if you don't listen to me I will fire Riyaz and I will make sure that he doens't get any job anywhere else also. So just listen to me!

Me- but...

Dad - no what I am saying ypu can divorce Siddharth after 5 days of marriage this away you will 50% of his company according to the law.

Me- ok :(

Flashback ends

And now ever since Riyaz has heard about my engagement with Siddharth , he is ignoring me, he only talks to me about work and nothing else. And now once I marry Siddharth and divorce him, I will tell Riyaz everything and I will tell how I love him and how I want to run away with him somewhere far from here!

*Ring * *Ring *
I pick up my call.

Jannat- WHY THE HELL ARE YPU MARRYING SIDDHARTH!!! he fucking doens't know how to treat you.

Me- I love him. I don't care about anything else I just want to get married to him.

Jannat- well anyways it's your choice. But Im just telling you, you are making the biggest mistake of your life.

Me- He's worth it.

POV ends

Jannat's POV

This poor girl. She is so in love that she can't see that Siddharth is only marrying her for her money.
Well it was my job to warn her now the decision is hers. I feel very guilty I just had sex with her future husband that also not once but multiple times. But I feel less guilty now that I have told Siddharth that we can't do this ever again. But even this doens't feel right, when Siddharth told me that he is getting married to her I felt a sharp pain in my chest.

*Beep* *beep*
I look out of my office window I see Riyaz is honking is car horn loudly. I smile at him and signal him that I'm coming in 5 mins. I turn back to my table and see Siddharth is giving me a dirty/angry look. 
I raise my eyebrows asking him what's wrong.

He comes towards me and pins me to the wall again.
He runs his face fingers from my face to my waist. Leaving shiver all over my body.

Siddharth-  Tell your bestfriend that this is my office and not his. Whatever happened today, I mean how he entered and tried to still you from me, it shouldn't happen again. Clear. ?

"Uhh yes"

STEAL YOU FROM ME what does he mean by that? But I leave it and go and meet Riyaz in his car.

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