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Jannat's POV

Who knew The Siddharth Nigam could fall in love! That too he has fallen in love with me!!! What should I do...he is ready to break his Engagement with Anushka FOR ME! I wasn't sure up till now about what I felt for him but after the speech he just gave I'm perfectly sure I love him! I have loved him since I met him...I even love his rude behaviour.
Omg....but Anushka! I can't do this to her....she loves siddharth too!
Ughh this is so super Confusing.
I was lost in my thoughts but when I was snapped back to reality I saw Siddharth staring at me waiting for my reply.

Me- "I-....."

Before I could complete my sentence I hear something from behind.
"I NEED YOU..... Jannat come with me for one minute please..."
I look's Riyaz!
Did he hear everything?

Me- huh?

Riyaz- come naa....

He grabs my hand and takes me to his room. While going I see some confusing emotion in Siddharth's eyes.

POV ends

In Riyaz's room.

Riyaz - wtf are you doing Jannat he is your Boss and he is fucking Engaged to somebody.

Jannat- But I didn't say anything....

Riyaz- you didn't say anything....but I know you well enough to understand your silence. I know everything.

Jannat- wait a minute....what do you know?

Riyaz- that you are in love with Siddharth Nigam!

Jannat- No I am not!

Riyaz- you can lie to yourself but you can't lie to me I know you too fucking well. Think about it...of course you love him...that is why you are so excited about going to the office everyday, of course you love him that is why ever since you met him ypu haven't went on any dates!

Jannat thinks for sometime..

Jannat- oh my god...shittt....I'm in love with THE SIDDHARTH NIGAM!! MY BOSS! THE PERSON WHO IS ENGAGED TO MY FRIEND!!

Riyaz- So what now?

Jannat- what?

Riyaz- what are you going to do.... Anushka loves him a lot...she would get hurt if she finds out about you too.

Jannat- yaaa....

Riyaz- Look whatever you do....just please don't hurt Anushka....I lo- I mean she's a good person and she doens't deserve this.

Jannat- wait wait wait what did you just say.

Riyaz-  she's a good person and she doens't deserve this.

Jannat- no no before that

Riyaz- nothing!

Riyaz didn't need to say anything, Jannat knew him just as much as he knew her...she immediately figured out that her Bestfriend Is also in love!
Now all she needed was to figure out how Anushka felt about Riyaz.
And for that an idea popped into her brain.

Jannat- okay Riyaz- listen na leaving all this aside wanna meet for coffee tomorrow? During break?

Riyaz- Yaa sure it's a date! (Meant in a friendly way!!)

Siddharth's POV

Jannat was taking too long to come back I was super anxious!!
So I went to call her.
I was just about the knock on the door when I heard.

Jannat- okay Riyaz- listen na leaving all this aside wanna meet for coffee tomorrow? During break?

Riyaz- Yaa sure it's a date!

IT'S A WHAT???? I just fucking told her I love her.... I poured my heart out to her and she's talking about going on a date with Riyaz! Wtf!

Double update today coz I love my readers:)
Reviews about the both chapters please 🙈

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