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Anushka and Riyaz decide to go to Siddharth's office and ask Siddjann for help.

Riyaz's POV

I'm so happy....I'm finally with the love of my life...she so sweet ans cute but I hate that her father is so rude to her. She was willing to Sacrifice her happiness just so that I don't lose my job. Isn't she the best?

We both knock on Siddharth's cabin door...but no one open it.

We knock again!
Again no answer.

Then Anushka just opens the door and what we see.....was Siddharth and Jannat lost into each other, Jannat sitting on Siddharth's lap...I think they were just about to kiss. After they saw us we got up they standup with a Jerk.

Jannat - w-what are you two doing here?

Anushaka- that we should be asking 😂 love birds.... atleast control while you are in office 😂

Siddharth adjusts his tie - *cough**cough* Do you have any important thing to disscus? Coz we have a lot of work to do.

Yaa right "work"😂😂

Me- yaa I'm sure you have many more postions to explore 😂

Jannat- Rii...yaarr...shh🤐 I'll kill you 😂(blushing a bit)

And too my shock THE SIDDHARTH NIGAM was also blushing.

POV ends

Author's POV

Anushaka- Anyways we are here to disscus about the marriage.

Siddharth- what I thought you loved Riyaz! Then why do you want to marry me?

Anushka- Siddharth you naa!!! I don't wanna get married to you...but there's one problem.

Jannat- what?

Anushaka- My father....this whole time he was blackmailing me to act to be in love with Siddharth, so that we can take his company after marriage. I didn't agree to this at first but then be said that if I don't listen to him he'll fire Riyaz and make sure he won't get job anywhere else.

Siddharth-but that is your problem....what are we supposed to do with this?

Jannat hits Siddharth in arm- stop being so rude.....of course we can help them...they arw our friends.

Siddharth- "Our" friends?

Jannat- friends are your friends also and it's time to get out of that she'll's okay to care not everyone leaves.

Riyaz- yes bro.


Jannat- Yaa so I was thinking that maybe if we do something to get Sen Industries under Anushka'd name ... then her father can't do anything right?

Anushaka- yaa but how? Is that even possible.

Siddharth- it is !! I have a idea ....see it is possible you have 50% of the company right?

Anushaka- yes...

Siddharth- so if you just do a legal case and prove that your father is not a great boss then you will get 100% of the company and then you won't have to worry about Riyaz. I'm sure your father has done many illegal deal....we just need to find out what they are and then problem solved.

Anushaka- yaa that sounds like a great idea.... Thankyou so much Siddharth.

Siddharth- also...I don't know how to say this....but I'm so sorry for the way I treated you one should be treated like this....I hope you could forgive me

Anushka- it's okay...I forgive you 😊


The next few days Siddjann and Rinushka work hard to get the company under Anushka's name... finally they did it. Anushaka forgive her father and gave him back 20% of the company

Jannat and Vaishnavi have moved in the Nigam house

Surabhi and Samriddhi decided to go to new york to start their new fashion label.

Rinushka have also brought a big house where both of them live happily now.

Siddjann, Abhinavi and Rinushka are the best of friends now. Whatever happened between Siddharth and Anushka is completely forgotten.

One day,

Abhinavi , Siddjann and Rinushka are sitting in a café,

Rinushka - hey guys!

Anushaka- we have a very big news!

Riyaz(shows them the ring on his and Anushaka's finger)- we got married !!

Jannat- what!!?? When? You didn't even invite us so rude yaar Rii.

Abhinavi- haa naa.

Anushka- we just woke up today and decided to get married it was a instant decision. So we did a court marriage since we really didn't want a big wedding.

Siddjann and Abhinavi- congratulations guyss!!so happy for you❤️❤️❤️❤️

Siddharth and Abhishek look at each other. They both nod. And within the next second.

Both of them get on their knees with rings in their hands.

Siddharth(to jannat ) and Abhishek (to Vaishnavi) - will you marry me?

Jannat - yess obviously yes yes yes.

Jannat brings siddharth up and kiss him.

Rinushka - ugh get a room guys 😂

Siddjann- 😒

On the other hand,

Vaishnavi- of course yes...but you already proposed me so why again?

Abhishek- This Siddharth was shy so he asked meto propose with him😂😂 and and Siddharth were thinking that we should get married on the same day.

Vaishnavi- woww... that's a great idea!!!

Jannat- yesss💃💃✨

Rinushka- congratulations guyss. 🥳🥳🥳✨

Abhinavi and Siddjann decide the wedding day.

Finally everyone is happy 🥺💃✨
Next chapter Abhinavi and Siddjann wedding 😋
Also the last chapter of the book

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