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Siddharth- Yaa I wanted to...(looks at Jannat and then looks at Riyaz) know what nevermind.

Jannat- huh?

Siddharth- umm...I just came here to tell you that...umm.....yea...I want you to go shopping with Anushka for our wedding.

Jannat- you came at 12am to tell me this!

Siddharth- umm....yaa....bye

Siddharth turns around to leave but sees that its raining too heavily. Jannat also sees this.

Jannat- you can stay here if you know until the rain stops.

Siddharth- (having no other option) okay.

Riyaz- hey me and jaanu are watching movie come join us.

Jannat- yaa....this idiot forced me to watch a horror movie (punches Riyaz on his shoulder)

Siddharth- umm okay🤷

Jannat leads Siddharth to her living room. Riyaz and Jannat sit down on sofa close to each other.
Someone's burning after seeing them do close

Jannat- come! Sit na.

Siddharth- y-ya

Siddharth goes and sit between Jannat and Riyaz. Jannat resumes the movie. Everytime a horror scene came up Jannat buried her head in Siddharth's chest and held his hand tightly. Siddharth just sat there he felt something inside which he never felt before.

2 hours later.

Siddharth's POV

I wake up and  I see Jannat's head is on my chest. I  try to move Jannat a little but now she has wrapped her arms around my waist tightly and put her head on my chest again!  the second she even touches a little part of my body chills appear all over my body. She is looking so calm while sleeping. So I decided to let her sleep in this position and not move so I don't wake her up by mistake. I watch her sleeping on me. Her lips are touching my chest , her lipsticks marks have come on Shirt . Her hand suddenly falls on my member which instantly becomes hard by her touch.

Her tank top was too deep...I could see her cleavage easily. I became super horny by her hotness. Her shorts were too short to hide her assets, Her big ass was clearly visible.
Her arms is constantly moving along my memeber making me more hard.
No girl ever has made me this hard. You guys have no idea how desperate I am to fuck her but at the same time I don't want to do anything without her permission. YES, I Siddharth Nigam , somehow started Caring for this girl. Is this love? Why do I care so much about who she is with? Why do I get chills everytime she is around me?

Oh shit! I'm marrying Anushka in 5 days !! After that I'm sure Jannat would never want to be this near me again. She would never want to help me cheat on my wife. I need to cancel my marriage with Anushka!! I don't care how much loss the company had to go through!

I look at Jannat again. I look at her innocent face, I brush my hand through her silky smooth hair, I just keep staring at her. I was so engrossed in admiring her Beauty that I didn't notice she woke up.

Jannat opens her eyes and as soon as she open them they meet mine. This time I wasn't the one moving near her. She moved her lips near to mine.
Our lips met. I took her on my lap and kissed her passionately. At this moment I didn't feel any lust towards her. All I felt was love.

I slowly pick her up and place her near me breaking the kiss.

Me- wait...I want to talk!

Jannat- about?

Me- everything....I want you to know the real Siddharth Nigam...I want you to know why I am the way I am.

Jannat- what? Why?

Me- I'll tell you when the time is right.

I take her by the hand and lead her to the balcony. Don't ask me how I knew where the balcony was I just knew.

We sat down on the chairs.

Me- ....

You'll have to wait for the next chapter to know Siddharth's back story.
I'll try to update soon. Promise ❤️
Can this chapter get 20 votes please 💫

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