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In office,
It's break time...

Jannat calls Riyaz in her office.
Anushka and Siddharth are still there planning their marriage. Since Siddharth thought Jannat didn't love him back he didn't break his Engagement with Anushka.

Riyaz comes in office, 

Anushka gets up from her chair.
Anushka- W-What are you umm doing here?

Riyaz- ohh nothing Jannu called me. 

Jannat - yaa...he's the Bestfriend I always keep talking is it isn't it that my Bestfriend works with my another bestie.

Anushka- y-yaaa....umm Jannat can I talk to you for a sec?

Jannat- now? Actually me and Rii had to tell you both something important that is why I called him here.

Riyaz gives jannat a confusing look ...he has no idea what is going on.

Jannat(whispers to Riyaz)- just go with what I am saying or else I'll break your ass.

Riyaz- but..

Jannat- shh

Riyaz understand that Jannat has some crazy idea in her mind right now. So he decides to support her.

Jannat- so me and Rii were thinking that since you and Siddharth are getting in a few days.. Maybe we both should get married on the same day , in the same venue. It would be awesome isn't it? Both the weddings happening on the same day.

Riyaz wasn't expecting Jannat to say this. He was standing there like a statue he was not sure what he was supposed to do.

Anushka and Siddharth(together)- What!???

Jannat- I mean if you guys don't mind sharing your special day with us.

Anushka looks at Siddharth, Then looks at Riyaz ( a little hurt)

Anushka (asking Riyaz) - Y- You L-love Jannat?

Riyaz looks at Jannat. She gives him a "say yes or I'll kill you look"

Riyaz- Yes.

Anushka- oh cool. But are you sure though...coz you know love is a complicated thing ...just be sure before taking any steps.

Jannat gives Anushaka a angry look (she is acting obviously)

Jannat- ANUSHAKA WHAT IS THIS ? why are you trying to convince Riyaz to not marry me ? I thought we were friends! I love him!

Anushaka- Jannat  I'm so sorry ... didn't mean to...I just .... I just wanted him to be sure.. .coz I care about him.

Riyaz- you care about me?

Anushka - ya ..I care about....umm... every employee of .. mine ..

Riyaz- oh

Anushaka- ya

Jannat- so guys have no problem right? With us getting married on the same day as you marriage.

Anushaka and Siddharth both are  lost in  some thoughts.

Anushka- noooooooo you can't get married. (Screams loudly)

Comes back to her senses .

Anushka- umm..I mean...noo you can't get married so suddenly you need to invite everyone na

Jannat- yaa don't worry we'll take care of it.

Jannat thinks something and smirks to herself.

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