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Siddharth's POV

"No it's not okay. I know you are hurt and you deserve a fucking apology from him"  said Jannat.

Her angry was so sexy, it turned me on and I couldn't say no to I just agreed with whatever she said.

Now I'm sitting in my room thinking about. Jannat jerking off my thing. It should be illegal to have such a hot secretary. You know what IDC...I don't care if she is my secretary I want her and I'm gonna make her scream my name. I want her right now.

POV ends .

Jannat's POV

Anushka- thankyou so much....that was very sweet of you to care about me.

"Ohh it's nothing. Us girls should have each other's back :)
Btw if you don't mind me asking can I ask you something? "

Anushka- yaa sure.

"Why are you still with Siddharth he clearly doens't love you then why go through all this disrespect?"

Anushka- I don't know I'm used to all this my now.....I just hope that one day he will love me like I love him....even if he gives me 100 reasons to leave I will find one reason to stay. He thinks I don't know anything about his one night stands but I know everything.

Aww...this girl is so sweet she doens't deserve someone like Siddharth!

"You know what ....he doens't deserve you, I'm sure there are a lot of wonderful boys out there for deserve so much more than the way he treats you...have some dignity Girl don't let him take advantage of you!"

Anushka- I think you are right....I deserve so much more. You know what thankyou so much for the advice....I'm gonna break the engagement tomorrow.

"Yesss! "

I was happy to help Anushka. I am happy that she will get out of a toxic relationship now. But....I don't know how Siddharth will react. He is surely gonna be angry once he finds out about all this.

I look at side of me and see that Anushka has fallen asleep. It's 4 in the morning and I'm not sleep so I think I should do some remaining office work.

I have to go to the living room to get my laptop. I open my bedroom door.

A hand comes around my waist and one more hand comes on my mouth. The person pulls me outside the room and locks the room door. He is against the wall and my body is pressing against his.

I didn't take me long to realise that the person was Siddharth, I could recognise his arms anywhere.
But the main question is why has is held me like this . 

He picks me up and takes me to Is room the entire time I was in his arms i was trying to get out.

He puts me on his bed.
He unbuttons his shirt and Leans near me.

Siddharth- you know Jannat you just costed the company 100,000 $.

I'm too intimidated my him to speak anything so I just sit quietly.

Siddharth- My marriage with Anushka was supposed to be a big deal. It was what the company needed right and you fucking convinced her to break it off..I think you deserve some punishment for it.

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