34: I Like You.

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The silence stretched between the two of them. Elizabeth was actually surprised and compassioned. The burn she was feeling before had diminished in her – she couldn't believe that Leo had finally shared something. The truth was bothering her at so many levels but at the same, she was relieved to know that he was sharing something with her. She was actually glad to know that he trusted her enough to share his past with her. When Elizabeth didn't say anything – Leo turned his head to look at her. The silence was bothering him – he was actually waiting for her to tell him that he disgusted her. Anyone who would sleep with another's man's wife is disgusting, right? But here Elizabeth was silent. After a couple of minutes – she turned her head to look at him and offered her a small smile to which Leo frowned – he was confused. "Why are you smiling?" he asked. "Should you be angry? What I did was nothing to smile at." He added.

Elizabeth sighed and nodded, "You are right – it wasn't. And I have so many questions in my mind and so many doubts are floating above my head, but despite all this – I am relieved to know that I will be getting something from you. I am happy to see you open up to me," she replied softly. Leo kept looking at her with blinking his eyes, "I – didn't expect this reaction from you." He spoke after a pause. Elizabeth smiled and nodded, "I know." She chuckled and continued, "I am also surprised that I am taking it so well," she added. "Maybe it is the beer – but I don't know. I am just relieved that you opened up to me," she said as she placed her hand on his.

Leo's eyes averted to her hand on his as he knitted his eyebrows, "Don't you have anything else to say?" he asked – still looking bewilderedly. Elizabeth mashed her lips together and nodded her head, "Yes, I do. I actually have concerns rather than questions." She replied. Leo gulped and asked, "What are they?" he asked softly. Elizabeth looked into his eyes and wetted her lips, "We all have done something in our past that we regret. I know that nothing can justify what you did behind Ian's back, but you can only clap with both hands – Mia was as much responsible as you were. Taking in all the blame will only hurt you." She told him. He brought his eyebrows together and listened to her as she continued, "I am not going to lie but it hurt like hell when you ran after Mia earlier today and left me behind. I just have one concern and that is – that you will do it again to me. Because Leo, I am human as well and I can only take too much," she said. Elizabeth gulped and lowered her gaze for a second before she looked back into his as her eyes glossed and sparkled in the moonlight. "I just want you to tell me that in this relationship we both will be on the receiving end. Please tell me that I will be your priority before her or anything other women – well except for Maria." She added.

"Because Leo, I cannot stand and watch you go after someone else when I wait for you know you might not return. I have been into a relationship that gave me nothing but suffering and pain – I don't want to be there again." She lightly shook her head as she glanced behind Leo at the deserted and dark balcony of Fred's apartment. Leo didn't look away or even blinked – he just kept looking at her before he sighed, "I don't know what it is about you, Elizabeth Harrison, but no matter what I do I am always pulled towards you – not because I want to physically but because my heart wants you."

Elizabeth smiled softly as Leo's hand came up to her face and he lightly brushed his knuckle against her cheek, "I know I said that Mia and Liam will always be in my life, but Elizabeth she can never take your place. As much I tried to hate you, but I simply couldn't – I was drawn to you more and more that I think of parting myself away from you. I like you, Elizabeth Harrison. I fucking hate your brother, but I like you." Leo said as he slowly leaned into her. Elizabeth gasped. This was the first time he ever said it to her. A slow smile stretched on her lip, "Thank God, you said it first or I thought I will have to do it first as well," Elizabeth said jokingly causing Leo to chuckle as well. He closed his eyes and placed his forehead against hers. She smiled and closed her eyes as well as they both enjoyed the absences of words and the presences of their emotions.

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