6: An Awkward Interaction

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You didnt have to come to pick me up, Dr. Griffiths. Elizabeth was actually surprised to see Dr. Ethan Griffiths waiting for her at the airport. When she was told that she will be received at the airport – she never thought that her boss, himself will come to receive her. Ethan smiled, Oh, but I did – I was free anyway and I know you are not much familiar with your living arrangements since I devised everything – I thought I should be the one to guide you. I hope you dont mind. He said. Oh no, of course not – it is very nice of you to do that, Dr. Griffiths. She said as they both sit in the car while the driver loads her luggage in the trunk of the car. Ethan unbuttoned his coat and sighed, Who is being formal now? He asked to which she chuckled, Alright, thank you for coming all the way to the airport to pick me up, she said.

How was your flight? He asked her. It was alright. There was a lot of turbulence. She answered. Ethan nodded and look out of the window, The weather here has been pretty dull for the past few days – it has been raining a lot and also, it is getting colder day by day. He said. I hate winters and snow, He mumbled and twisted his mouth. Elizabeth chuckled, but didnt reply to him – she actually likes the cold weather and rain – she enjoys the warmth in cold days, the smell of soil after the rain. So, Elizabeth, there has been a little problem, Ethan said after a small pause. What is it? She asked. You see the apartment where you were supposed to live isnt fully furnished yet – the workers are taking more time than expected. So, will it be okay for you to stay in a hotel for a week? I am sorry, Elizabeth – I know we promised that it will be ready, but it isnt. He told her. Elizabeth chuckled, Hey, it is alright – I can stay in a hotel for a week. There is no big deal in it. You dont have to feel sorry about anything. You are nice enough to offer me an apartment in the first place. She said to him. Thank you so much, you dont have to worry about anything. I have booked you the finest room in a five-star hotel. The expenditures will be on the company. He told her. Thats what bothers Elizabeth the most – the VIP treatment, she gets it because she is a Harrison – it has nothing to do with her own accomplishments – she did not achieve them. Is she was some regular person she knows Ethan wouldnt have come to receive her personally. She wouldnt have been asked to stay in a luxurious place and she hardly doubts that she would have been even given an apartment by the company in the first place. Her mother was right – it is all in the name.

Ethan booked a suite for Elizabeth – which she figured already. While Elizabeths luggage was being shifted to her room – she and Ethan had coffee while they talked about work, How about this? If you feel like – you can visit your workplace tomorrow. Ethan suggested. Elizabeth nodded her head, That sounds like a good idea. I would love to acquaint myself with the people and the environment. She agreed. Ethan smiled as he sipped from his cup, Thats great, then. I will send a driver to pick you up tomorrow in the morning – say ten or ten-thirty? He asked. Elizabeth nodded her head, Yes, ten will do. She replied. Hey, maybe I can give you a tour of the hospital as well – it isnt far from where you will work. He offered. Elizabeth liked the idea and agreed upon it.

Elizabeth was tired from the flight. Also, she couldnt sleep when since the past few days either. Maybe she was just too nervous about moving into a different city – where she knows no one except for Ethan, that too not so well. She sat on the bed and sighed as her eyes wandered around the luxurious but empty room – she has already taken a much-needed shower and even tried to rest her eyes, but she couldnt. She would have unpacked her things, but since she is staying in a hotel – she will wait for the week. Elizabeth got up on her feet and walked towards the balcony. The sky was overcast and it had already started to drizzle – the weather has been same since she landed. She sighed and stepped on the wet floor of the balcony while she put her hands on her arms to keep her somehow a little warmer. She could see the city from up her suite – it was a beautiful view. She spent a couple of minutes in the open air before she started to feel really cold. She walked in the warmer and sighed – she had nothing to do while she stays here. She blew her cheeks out and moved towards where the remote of the television was when her eyes fell on her luggage – one of which had the presents her mother left her.

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