18: Slapped

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Stunned, flabbergasted, or staggered – Elizabeth didn't have one word to describe how she really felt. Freddie was standing next to a beautiful woman with his arm around her waist. He blinked rapidly and cleared his throat, "Um – hi, I am Freddie. Welcome to your new apartment." He behaved like he didn't know Elizabeth. By looking at his overwrought face she could tell he was displeased to see her. Elizabeth's eyes averted back to Jennifer. Elizabeth wondered if she was the one with whom Fred cheated on her or was it someone else? She wondered if he was playing with her as he played with her. Her eyes went to see the ring on Jennifer's finger and realized how she was nothing to Fred. In their three years of relationship, he never talked about their future.

Elizabeth breathed and mashed her lips together, "Hello, I am Elizabeth." She replied back to him while looking dead in his eyes. Jennifer doesn't seem like a bad person – Elizabeth doesn't want to hurt by speaking out the truth – especially after she knows how it feels to be betrayed. "You must be very tired from moving to a new place. I know how that must feel. Freddie and I, ourselves moved here just a few months ago. How about we both treat you with dinner tonight at our place?" Jennifer asked her.

Elizabeth couldn't say yes. How can she go into a place where Fred and his fiancé live together? How can she pretend to not know the man she was with for three years? She felt bad for declining but Elizabeth can't help – she just can't do it. She smiled, "Oh, that's so sweet, but I can't tonight. I have to be somewhere after work." She lied. She couldn't say the truth. She averted her gaze to Fred who sighed in relief he doesn't want Elizabeth around either.

As much as Elizabeth was hungry – she didn't eat the pancakes. She left them on the table where she puts her keys and just left. She was still heartbroken by the fact that Freddie has moved on so quickly. Even though he cheated on her – she still didn't think he would get engaged so soon. Maybe Elizabeth was just a side-chick for him – he never had any feeling for her. She was driving to her office when her stomach rumbled – she didn't want to go office on empty stomach and also she needed some time to think and process. How much she wishes she had somebody to talk about it, but she doesn't and like always she will have to keep it all in to herself. She parked her car outside a small coffee shop near to her office with Fred and Jennifer on her mind when she saw a familiar figure sitting on a couch in the shop with a cup of coffee in his hands and his head bowed down with his elbows resting on his knees. She recognized him from the jacket he was wearing last night.

Elizabeth frowned and walked closer to him, "Leo?" He called out his name. After a small pau,se he lifted his head up to look at her with narrowed eyes. He sighed, "You are everywhere, aren't you?" He asked tiredly. Elizabeth shook her head and rolled her eyes, "I could say the same and besides I was just here to grab something to eat before I go to work," She told him. "This place is close to my office," She added as she shrugged. Leo leaned back to the couch and with droopy eyes, "I know. This place is close to the hospital as well," He replied.

Elizabeth didn't feel so great about how Leo looked – it looked like he didn't catch any sleep last night. Elizabeth pushed her hair back with her fingers and asked, "Are you alright, Leo?" She asked. "You don't look so well," She added concernedly. Leo sniggered and nodded his head, "I am fine," He replied. There was silence between the two of them as Elizabeth in front of him and he stayed seated on the couch, "Weren't you going to get something to eat?" Leo asked Elizabeth when she didn't move. Elizabeth blinked and realized she was staring at him. She mashed her lips and nodded, "Yeah, uh – right," She nodded and walked to the counter to order a muffin and a cup of coffee. She turned her head to look at Leo while the girl behind the counter gave her the receipt for her order.

Leo didn't look well at all and somehow Elizabeth was concerned. Maybe it was because how great help he has been for her since she came to Chicago that she wanted to make sure he was doing alright. "Ma'am would like a takeaway or are you going to have it here?" The girl behind the counter asked. At first, Elizabeth had decided to eat it in her car, but now that she saw Leo in such worn-out condition – she decided to stay and eat in the coffee shop. "I will have it here." She replied with a coffee from the counter behind her and placed a muffin on her tray before she gave it to her, "Enjoy," The girl said before she moved to the next customer.

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