37: Suspicion.

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Elizabeth told Leo again and again that she doesn't think she has to get treated for burns – she was feeling better but Leo didn't take no for an answer. But Elizabeth didn't feel like going to the hospital so after telling Leo again and again and again – she finally succeeds. Leo didn't press her further but he sure was concerned about her. After they both hang up the phone – Leo sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. He hardly got any sleep last night and kept thinking about what Liam had said to him. He actually called Elizabeth to postpone the date, but when he heard about her injury caused by Mia – he couldn't do it. He had to talk to Elizabeth about it because he hardly believes that Mia bumping into Elizabeth in the area Mia has nothing to do with – seemed suspicious to him. He wouldn't have felt this way if Liam hasn't told him about Mia last night. Leo hopes that this would all come all false and that Mia really did bump into Elizabeth coincidently and was Liam told him would turn out to be a lie – or else – he doesn't know what he will do – but he is certain to do anything to ensure Liam and Elizabeth's safety – anything.

"You look stressed," Leo didn't realize when Amanda walked up to him. He turned his head to look at her and shook his head, "It is nothing," He replied with a fake smile stretched on his face – like always he wasn't going to discuss his problems with anyone. Amanda didn't press him – she knows that she will not get anything from him so, she nodded her head. "Alright," She said before she put her hand on his arm, "Hey, how did the surgery go?" She asked. Leo smiled and nodded, "It went well." He nodded. Amanda smiled, "That's great." She replied. Leo nodded his head and looked at her, "I have to go see a patient," Leo told her and walked away while Amanda stood there with a smile on her face.

After applying the ointment, Elizabeth walked to the lab a little over an hour late. She was welcomed by Mosa's smiling face, "Hey, Elizabeth. You got late today," he said. Elizabeth sighed and sighed as her skin slightly stung. She nodded her head, "Yes, someone spilled their hot coffee on me and –" Fayette heard her and walked towards her, "Oh my God, Elizabeth – are you alright?" She asked. "Did you get burn?" Mosa asked after her – both of them looking at Elizabeth with great concern. Elizabeth smiled and replied, "Yes, Ethan got me the ointment – I am okay now," she said. "I really believe that you should go to the emergency," Mosa suggested. Elizabeth shook her head, "Oh no, it isn't so bad." She answered him. "Seriously guys, I am alright," Elizabeth added when she saw that the frowns didn't leave any of their faces. Mosa sighed and glanced at Fayette before he nodded his head, "Alright then, tell me if you need my help." He said. Elizabeth smiled and nodded, "I will." She replied before he went to work and so did Fayette after making sure that her new roommate was really okay.

The day went slow for Elizabeth probably because she is really looking forward to seeing Leo on their first official date. She was driving back to their apartment with Fayette in the car. Fayette was awfully quiet the whole ride. Elizabeth would glance at her but didn't ask her anything – she wasn't sure if Fayette was comfortable with her sticking her nose in Fay's business. When they reached the apartment Fayette told Elizabeth that she is really tired and wanted to sleep. Elizabeth didn't argue but she thought about talking to her later. Elizabeth would love that friend who would help Fay go through the difficult time that she is obviously going through. Fayette is a very secretive person, therefore, Elizabeth finds it hard to crack her open in front of her. "You tell me if you need anything," Elizabeth said when Fayette was about to go in. Fayette smiled and nodded her head, "I will. And please you go and enjoy your date," Fayette winked before she chuckled. Elizabeth couldn't help but grin – this was the most cheerfulness she got from Fayette in days.

After Fayette went into her room, Elizabeth into hers, and without wasting any time she took her shirt off to see that her stomach was bright red now. The skin was still sensitive but it wasn't as bad as before. She sighed and took the rest of her clothes off and carelessly left them on her bed before she grabbed a fresh towel and went to the bathroom to get a shower. She had to get ready in an hour as Leo promised to pick her up for their date. No matter how many times she asked him – he didn't tell where he was taking her. Elizabeth decided not to press him further – although surprises make her anxious – she was looking after this one. She had to be careful about her burn injury while she showered. After the shower, she walked out with the towel wrapped around her body. Her room was such a mess – for the past couple of days she has been thinking about cleaning it but she always sleeps without doing so. She just has to make sure that no one gets to her room or else it will be embarrassing.

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