48: The Truth.

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A couple of days passed by with Elizabeth still living in a blur but now as she was already getting better – the Harrison family decided that it was time to tell Elizabeth the truth. She needed to know what she was missing. Maria told Leo that they will be telling Elizabeth about him as well and it only made him feel nervous. Leo has never been in love before so he was scared to know how Elizabeth will react – the thought of her rejecting to believe that she and he were in love scared him. Owen asked Leo – if he wanted to come to see Elizabeth but Leo decided not to – not until Elizabeth knows the truth. So, Silas, Owen, and Maria went to see Elizabeth after lunch. Thinking it was a regular visit, Elizabeth welcomed them with a smile, "Hey, I was just about to call you, Maria. I was getting bored," She chuckled. Maria smiled back and made her way to Elizabeth. She put the crutches down on the floor and sat on the chair beside her bed. "I was going to visit you anyway," she replied to her.

Elizabeth looked so much better than she looked before. The bruises were there but they were slowly lightening up. She still experiences throbbing and aches in her head and her thighs but they weren't as bad as they were before – she was recovering. Elizabeth looked at her father, "Dad, you need to rest – you are always here. And did you hear anything from mom? How is she doing?" She asked. Owen and Maria's smile fell but without thinking, Silas replied, "Uh – she is doing fine. She is staying with Aunt Monica," He replied. Owen and Maria turned their heads to look at Silas – who knew that he had messed up – they were supposed to tell Elizabeth the truth – not lie to them. Owen took a deep breath and walked nearer to his daughter – the relief that he saw on his daughter's face after hearing about Ruby almost made me backed away but he can't do this anymore. His daughter needed to know the truth – if not everything just yet then at least some of it.

Owen smiled and sighed as he walked closer to Elizabeth and placed a kiss on her head, "How are you feeling today?" He asked. Elizabeth smiled, "So much better than before, dad." She answered. Elizabeth's eyes went to her father before it averted to Maria and then Silas – they didn't look okay – it felt like they were nervous. Elizabeth looked at her father again and asked, "What happened? Are you all okay?" She asked. Owen mashed his lips together and Maria looked down at her hands and that was enough for her to know that something was wrong. She let out a nervous chuckle, "You guys are scaring me now," she told them. "What is going on?" She asked. She looked at all three of them and just when she was about to ask again – the door of her room opened and entered the doctor that sometimes visits her along with the junior doctor that she sees often. Dr. Pollard smiled as he looked at Elizabeth, "Hey Elizabeth, how are you feeling today?" He asked her as she walked closer and checked her while her father stepped away but her eyes never left him – he looked nervous to her – it felt like they wanted to hear something but they couldn't.

Elizabeth looked at Dr. Pollard and smiled, "I am feeling much better," She replied with a forced smile. Dr. Pollard nodded his head, "You should – you are doing so much better." He smiled but Elizabeth could see that something was off with everyone. Was she not doing okay? Dr. Pollard licked his lips and sighed, "Well, your wounds are healing which is a very good sign – also, your reports came in and you didn't have any permanently damaging internal injuries, which is a breath of relief." He told her. Dr. Pollard paused before he spoke, "But there is something that you should know, Elizabeth." He paused and those two seconds felt so stretched to her, "You had a traumatic brain injury that has – caused post-traumatic amnesia," Dr. Pollard laid it for her slowly and carefully.

Elizabeth couldn't make sense of what he was telling her – how can she has amnesia – she remembers everything. When she woke up – she did feel like there was a cloud in her head but that feeling faded away. "I – I – don't get it," She stammered. Her eyes went to look at her brother, father, and Maria – and they looked concerned – this was it – this is why they all looked nervous to her. Dr. Pollard replied, "You have retrograde amnesia," Dr. Pollard replied. Elizabeth blinked and then again she blinked – she was confused – how could it be? Doesn't she remember all? She tried to think – think of the last thing she remembered and that was driving away from Fred's place where he broke up with her and then she had an accident – didn't she? She gulped, "How – how much am I missing?" She could barely speak up. This time it was Silas that replied to her – she didn't look at him – she had her head bowed, "More than seven months," Silas replied softly. His reply made her look at him as her eyes teared up, "What?" she whispered – unable to believe what she was hearing. "Seven months?" She asked. Silas downcast his gaze as he softly bobbed his head.

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