51: The Complete Truth.

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Elizabeth was taken to the hotel where she will be staying until they leave for New York in a few days. They decided to stay in a non-fancy hotel due to security issues – by now the people knew that it was Elizabeth Harrison that was acted and now everyone has been talking about the purpose and conspiracy behind the incident. The doctors asked her to rest so after Silas and Owen took her to her room – she took a nap. It felt nice to be out of the hospital but at the same time, Elizabeth felt tired although she has been doing nothing but resting and recovering in the hospital. Elizabeth was still feeling uncomfortable with all the information that was shared with her – especially the one that Leo told her. Since the truth was uncovered to she couldn't stop thinking about what must have had happened between the two of them that Leo Wayne fell for Elizabeth Harrison – they weren't a match and yet somehow they were together – Elizabeth simply couldn't understand how it all started.

When Elizabeth woke up from her nap – she was alone in her room. Elizabeth looked out the window to see that it was raining. She sighed and sat on the bed while she looked out the window – the sun was setting and the rain clouds made the sky looked darker – it felt like it was already nighttime. She kept thinking about what she had missed in the past few months and how much she wished she remembered everything. She checked her phone to see many messages and calls from different numbers – she hasn't checked any of those yet. She doesn't remember the last six to seven months but she doesn't remember everything before that – she wasn't on good terms with her mother but yet – she was careful about her. Ruby was diagnosed with major depressive disorder and that made Elizabeth worried about her mother. She used to take care of her when she was in London and now she wonders who is looking after her.

Elizabeth mashed her lips together and decided to give her mother a call. She tried calling her but Ruby's number was unreachable. This concerned Elizabeth – she wondered if her mother was okay. Last year her mother came to America while she lied to Owen and Elizabeth about staying at Aunt Monica's house for a week and her sister, Monica, helped her lie. She flew to New York and lied to Silas about having cancer – just so she could gain his sympathy. Elizabeth doesn't want her to do something like that again – Ruby wasn't in the condition to travel and to be left alone. Elizabeth had doubts that her aunt was taking good care of her mother. She tried calling her mother again and again and each time she got the same answer that her phone was unreachable, so she ringed her aunt.

At first, her aunt didn't receive the call but when Elizabeth tried the second time – her Aunt Monica answered the phone, "Elizabeth?" Her aunt sounded surprised to hear from her. Monica knows about the accident – she was told about Elizabeth's amnesia as well. She knows she isn't supposed to take to her niece about Ruby and it hurt her. Monica believed that it was unfair to Elizabeth to keep her in dark – she needed to know the truth but since Owen asked her not to tell Elizabeth anything – she decided to shut her mouth about her sister, "Dear, how are you?" Monica was deeply concerned about her health. She would call Owen and ask him about Elizabeth's wellbeing and he would tell about her – she was concerned if she will be able to recover from her injuries but thankfully she did and she still is. Elizabeth smiled softly, "I am fine. Just a little tired," She chuckled. Monica smiled, "Then you should rest, dear." She paused before she continued, "You have no idea how good it feels to hear your voice," Elizabeth smiled, "It is good to talk to you too, Aunt Monica. I don't remember when I last talked to you," She told her. The two of them talked a little more before Elizabeth sighed, "How is mom doing?" Elizabeth's question caused Monica to stiff. She didn't want to lie to her but had to so she did, "Uh – she is doing fine." She answered Elizabeth short.

Elizabeth didn't find her reply satisfactorily so she brought her eyebrows together and asked, "Aunt Monica, everything is okay, right?" Elizabeth was truly worried about her mother. Elizabeth might not show too much affection towards her mother but her mother always does – she finds it very weird that her mother didn't call her even once since she gained her consciousness – also, she didn't see any call being made from her phone – did something happen between her and her mother? She wanted to know. Elizabeth sighed, "Aunt Monica, please tell me the truth. How is she?" She pressed. "I don't mean to sound rude but you did help her escape the last time and I just want to know how she is – please be honest with me." She asked.

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