16: People Change

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Leo wanted nothing but to leave – he even put his keys in the ignition but unfortunately, he glanced toward Elizabeth, who had her hand on her forehead while she talked to Ethan on the phone and he couldn't help but withdraw his keys and sigh, "Why am I doing this?" He mumbled to himself. He leaned back to his seat and rubbed his face before averting his gaze towards Elizabeth who had walked to her parked car and leaned against it while typing something on her phone. Leo could just start his car and zoom away and leave Elizabeth to deal with her own problems but he couldn't do it so he stepped out of the car and walked to her. He put his hand in his jacket's pocket and stopped a few feet away from her. "Did you talk to Dr. Griffiths?" He asked her.

She tiredly looked at him and nodded her head, "Yeah, apparently he forgot to hand you over the keys. He promised to get here as soon as he can." She replied. Leo nodded and glanced around. Elizabeth sighed, "You don't have to wait with me here." She shrugged. Leo looked at her. She was right he didn't have to be with her – she is a grown up and she can do it on her own, but nevertheless – Leo didn't listen to himself and shrugged, "It is alright – I have nothing to do anyway," He lied. Elizabeth knitted her eyebrows together, "But, did you say earlier that there is someplace you have to be." She reminded him.

Leo doesn't get it why a woman has to remember every small detail. "No, I really don't – uh – I just said it to make you stop talking about things you don't know about," He lied again to which Elizabeth just rolled her eyes. "You obviously don't want to be around me. I will be fine on my own – you can leave." She spoke. Leo mashed his lips, "If you want me gone – I will go but I am fine. I don't mind you around me until you don't bring up the mistake we made last night or talk about my life like you know everything about me." He replied.

Elizabeth chuckled weary, "Fair enough." She replied and ran her fingers through her hair. "Listen, I want to apologize to you. I have no right to say anything about your personal life. I guess, I was just freaked out about last night and I said all about your girlfriend and – uh – well, that woman and you. I am not in any place to make any comment and judgment about you or your life." She added. Leo was silently listening to her before he nodded his head, "It is alright." He replied.

Leo and Elizabeth both went silent afterward. They both leaned against Elizabeth's car beside one another while no words were being exchanged between the two of them. Elizabeth sighed and glanced towards Leo who took a pack of cigarette out of his jacket's pocket and turned his head towards Elizabeth. He raised his eyebrow and offered her one, "Would you like one?" He asked. Elizabeth smiled, "Yes, thank you," She took out one. Leo looked at her as she took one out and looked down at it. She is Elizabeth Harrison. Leo is supposed to hate her for how miserable she made his sister along with her mother but here he was accompanying her while he had friends waiting for him for dinner.

Elizabeth Leo's eyes on her and lifted her gaze up to see him staring at her with a frown drawn on his face. She sighed, "People change, you know?" She said to him. She knows what he must be thinking about – she is not a stranger to the fact who Leo doesn't like her or her family. In Elizabeth's eyes he had every right to feel that way. Leo chuckled humorlessly and took a lighter out of his pocket and lit Elizabeth's cigarette while looking dead in her eyes, "No, they never do." He replied and paused for a second before he withdrew the lighter and lit his own cigarette before puffing out smoke. He could see Elizabeth's eyes still on him but he didn't turn to look back at her. "They pretend to change according to their situation but they never really change," He replied. "They are same from the inside," Leo snickered drily, "Actually the people who say that they have changed are the scariest ones because they don't know what they want – they just vacillate by the flute of opinions." He added.

Elizabeth sniggered back, "I don't agree," She said after a small pause. "They do change. I changed." She added. Leo nodded, "And do you know what do you want?" He asked her. And just like that, she was silent – she didn't know what she wants. A small smile appeared on his face – he knows he got her. Elizabeth gulped, "I want you to give my brother a second chance," she quickly spoke. Leo's smile dropped. She might not be sure what she wants for herself but she knows she wants well for her family – especially her brothers.

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