53: The News.

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Elizabeth wanted to know from Leo how she handled her mother's death – but they were interrupted when Silas and Maria walked into the room with Ezra in Maria's arms. This was also the first time Elizabeth saw her nephew and now she had mixed feelings – she couldn't understand what was more overwhelming – her mother's death or the fact that Maria and Silas now had a child. Her eyes went from Silas to the cute baby boy in his arms, "Elizabeth, thank God you are okay." Silas said and he reached out for her and with Ezra in one arm – he hugged Elizabeth with the other while Maria told silently behind him – looking worried and Leo – he was gone. She looked around for him – but he wasn't around – he must have had walked out of the room when Elizabeth had her eyes on Ezra. Elizabeth felt bummed when she didn't see Leo in the room – she had so many questions for him. Elizabeth's eyes watered as they went back to Silas – he sighed and after a short pause he said, "I didn't know how to tell you, Elizabeth." He spoke softly.

Leo quietly slipped out of the room and sat on the couch with his father – both of them didn't exchange words. Franklin didn't have to say anything – not every time words are needed to fill in the silence – sometimes it is more important to be silent and just be there and that is exactly what Franklin did. Leo let out a sigh as bowed his head down while resting his elbows on his knees – Franklin looked at him and placed his hand on his back – his heart ached to see his son so despaired. He wished he could do something for his son – but he couldn't. After a couple of minutes of silence Leo blew his cheeks out and stood on his feet, "I need to take a walk," He said and didn't even wait for Franklin's reply – he simply walked away from everything. Franklin wasn't going to stop him anyways – he knows his son needs a break – he has been through a lot and he just wishes for everything to go right for him.

It was very cold outside as Leo walked on the wet pavement – it had been raining but luckily it stopped. He enjoys the chilly wind and the sweet smell of wet surfaces but it would have felt more soothing if he didn't have so much on his mind. Elizabeth doesn't remember being with him, she is living in New York in a few days. Mia wants to see him, he is worried about Liam who is currently living with his grandmother, he still feels guilty for everything Elizabeth went through and for Rene's death, he is selling his apartment and looking for a new place – he couldn't continue living where all hell broke loose on him – his thoughts were tangled – he was stuck. He was wandering around when he saw a familiar face – it was Elizabeth's neighbor – Jennifer. She looked at Leo and smiled before she slowly walked towards him.

"Hey," she spoke softly – something wasn't right with her – she looked tired and she had tears in her eyes – still she tried her best to fake a smile. "How are you? Uh – sorry, do you even remember me? I am Jennifer –" She didn't have to say more – Leo nodded his head and completed her sentence, "Elizabeth's neighbor – I know," He finished her sentence. She chuckled softly and nodded, "Yes, I am." She replied. Her eyes went to the almost healed wound on his head and asked, "How are you feeling?" She asked. Leo's hand went to his wound as he softly brushed his finger over it before he nodded, "I am fine now," He replied. Jennifer who was wearing a thick coat – brought her palms together and rubbed them to get some heat. "And how is Elizabeth? When is she going to come back to her apartment? I asked her but she said she doesn't know and that she was moving out in a week or so." Leo didn't really know about her roommate – he hasn't been to her apartment for a long time – but he did know that Elizabeth wasn't going back to her apartment, "She isn't coming back to the apartment – uh – she is going back to New York to be with her family," He replied.

Jennifer brought her eyebrows together, "What?" she was surprised. "But you two –" she once again didn't have to complete her sentence as Leo shook his head and without looking at her replied, "We – are not together. She doesn't remember being with me and she needs her time so, she is flying back to New York with her family," Leo answered. He was glad he didn't choke on his own words. Jennifer brought her hand to her chest, "Oh my God, I am so sorry." She spoke softly. That is one thing Leo doesn't like – pity. He twisted his mouth and nodded his head. He wasn't really in a mood of talking to her more and was about to bid his farewell when she spoke with a humorless and pain-filled chuckle, "I guess life is not fair to the both of us," she said. Leo looked into her tear-filled eyes as she added, "Fred and I had a huge fight – he said he isn't sure if he wants to marry me anymore," a tear fell down her cheek.

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