61: The Unexpected Guest.

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"This is – this is exactly why I don't want to leave him alone. He can't control his temper!" Franklin was fuming to hear about his son's arrest. Maria tried to calm her father while Silas and Marcus were on phone trying to pull some strings to release Leo. Elizabeth sat in the corner of the room – completely silent. When Fred broke up with her on phone – she wanted nothing but to punch him – all this time no one was there whom she could tell about Fred and now – Leo, he did what she wanted to do. It didn't bother her that Fred was hurt – it bothered her that Leo was behind the bars. "Maria, maybe we should fly to Chicago to make sure that Leo doesn't get in more trouble," Elizabeth lifted her head to look at her brother and just then it clicked her – she wanted to go to Chicago as well. It was a decision she made in the spur of the moment but she was quick to act on it. She got on her feet, "I will come with you guys," She said and the whole room went silent. Each and everyone present in the room averted their eyes on her that made her very aware of her presence in the room. Marcus was the one that broke the uncomfortable silence, "Uh – okay." He said. Elizabeth sighed and sat back on the couch as Franklin kept angrily jeer on Leo's behavior.

Ethan sat in his car outside the police station while he waited for Leo to walk out. He texted and asked Amanda if she was free for tonight – he wanted to take her out for dinner – after he sent the text – he placed his phone in his pocket but then just then his phone rang. He looked at the screen to see it was Elizabeth. Ethan smiled and answered it, "Hello, Miss Harrison," He greeted. Elizabeth chuckled from the other side before she paused, "Thank you so much, Ethan." She thanked him. When Elizabeth heard about Leo being arrested – she immediately called Ethan and asked for his help. Ethan being a good guy and an amazing friend – agreed to help and bailed Leo out. He was just waiting for the police to complete some paperwork before Leo could walk free. Ethan smiled, "No problem at all, Elizabeth." He replied. Ethan smashed his lips together before he spoke, "Did you think about it, Elizabeth?" Ethan asked.

Elizabeth was in her room – she got up from the bed and walked towards the window as she had her phone to her ear. When she heard that Leo was in trouble – the first person that came to her mind that could help him was Ethan – when she called her earlier – he didn't take his time to act on it and within an hour he could Leo out from behind the bars but when they earlier talked Ethan offered her position back in his company and asked her to think about it. Elizabeth has already been considering working somewhere – she couldn't stay in her brother's house for the rest of her life. When she decided to return to New York – she actually thought that she was going to do something with her life – try to leave everything behind and start anew but it wasn't possible. She might not remember the incident that happened but she can't forget the fact that it happened and in the same manner she can't forget the fact that her mother is gone. How long was she going to stay in her nest and fear every step she takes – she had to do something for herself? It was time to live her life like she probably planned before she went to Chicago. Elizabeth licked her lips and smiled, "I honestly have been thinking about it – maybe I am ready to rejoin – how long am I going to run from everything?" She said to Ethan.

Ethan smiled, "I am so glad to hear that – I am happy that you are thinking this way. Why don't you visit the company and see if you can resume working from where you left. Honestly, since you left the research hasn't taken off much – we would love to have you back in our team." Ethan said. Elizabeth sighed, "But I don't even remember anything that I was working on," she replied. Ethan smiled, "It is alright – why don't you just come here and see it yourself – I am sure you will pick up and Mosa and Fayette are here to help you out. Don't overthink – just do what you feel is right," Ethan told her. After the call ended Elizabeth couldn't help but think about it – she wanted to do so much in her life. She was never the one that was afraid of anything but since so much had happened to her in her life – she couldn't step up – maybe it was finally her time.

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