76: Pain of the Past.

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Leo heaved a soft sigh as he placed his forehead against hers and closed his eyes – while Elizabeth kept her open – staring at his face as he pressed his lips tightly and clenched his jaw. The only source of light was coming from the kitchen – other than that it was dark in the apartment. Elizabeth could feel the warmth of his skin on hers – although it wasn't entirely touching hers. Leo slowly opened his eyes – staring right back into her eyes. Elizabeth gulped as Leo's eyes flickered to her lips before they met her eyes again, "What is bothering you, Elizabeth?" He asked slowly. "Just when I thought we were finally getting there – you started to act like I have done something wrong," He added. Leo pulled himself away from her. Elizabeth knitted her eyebrows together as she looked at him – she liked him so close to her. Parting away from her made the slight coldness between them more vivid. Leo licked his lower lip, "That girl came to talk to me – she wasn't even flirting – I don't know what got into you. I could have thought the same about you and that Angus but did I? Well, maybe I did – maybe just for a bit but that doesn't mean that I will be mad at you – no, I know you – you are the most faithful girl and I am so damn happy about it but it makes me sad sometimes that you don't feel the same for," Leo thwarted.

Elizabeth brought her eyebrows together – a crease formed on her forehead as she shook her head and pulled away from the door, "That is not true, Leo. I feel the same for you. I do but sometimes I am just scared and start acting irrationally. I am sorry," She said and looked away. She brought her hand to her forehead and scratched it, "It isn't I got jealous of that girl," she mumbled – when Leo didn't reply she sighed – her shoulders sunk in, "Alright, yes – I was jealous. But I wasn't particularly jealous of her, okay?" She said before she quickly added, "It is complicated, okay? I can't explain myself without making you think that I am crazy," She looked away from him.

Leo leaned against the back of the couch in the living room – he folded his arms over his chest and shrugged, "I am all ears – I don't think you are complicated. I think you are just too hard on yourself. You need to talk to me, Elizabeth. I will not lie – I am not the most engaging person – conversation-wise, I care for you too much to not to listen to you and understand you." He said. When Elizabeth didn't answer back to him – Leo rolled his tongue on his lips and stretched his hand out for her to take. Elizabeth looked at him as he spoke, "Come here," he softly mumbled. His masculine yet soft voice pulled her towards him. She walked closer to him without any hesitation and put her hand on his. He softly brushed her soft knuckle with his thumb and gently pulled her closer until her body was against his. He lightly brushed his finger to her temple and slightly pushed her hair behind her ear – causing her to close her eyes – she loved it, "What is on this beautiful mind?" He whispered as he brushed her temple with his finger again. Leo placed his finger under her chin and made her look at him, "Open your eyes," he asked her – ever so softly yet his voice held so much dominance in it that she couldn't stop herself – she opened them on his demand. "Tell me," he asked again. Elizabeth gulped – so close – their lips were so close – she loved how his minty breath fanned her face. Her eyes dropped to his lip and she slowly angled her face – wanting to kiss him when he stopped her.

Elizabeth looked at him with disappointment sparkling through her eyes. Leo read into them and said, "Don't get me wrong – I am dying here to kiss you, you hold you." He gulped difficultly. "But I am not going to do it until you talk to me. Tell me what is bothering you?" He asked. Elizabeth inhaled and pressed her lips together – she looked down on his chest – she could see the warm skin under his shirt – she could see the hair in his chest through the unbuttoned collar. She licked her lip and decided to speak, "I am scared that it is going to happen again." She started to voice her concern. Leo realized that she was talking about everything that happened with her by Mia and his heart clenched at the thought of ever letting someone hurt her again. She lifted her gaze to look into his eyes, "Some other crazy girl is going to get between us, and this time – she will succeed. She will take me away from you. I am scared that I will not have to myself because, Leo, that always happens to me. Just when I feel everything is going great – someone comes up and wreck everything for me – now that is either a crazy admirer, a cheater boyfriend, or my goddamn mother," She said. Her voice wobbled as her eyes filled with tears. She snuffled, "So, yes – maybe I am overthinking but nothing can eliminate the possibility of happening it," She added softly.

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