44: You Do.

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Silas was sitting outside the critical care unit where his sister was under intensive medical treatment. He hasn't slept in the last twenty-three hours. Maria was with him as well but he asked her to go and rest and be with Ezra while he was in the hospital. He couldn't leave knowing his sister was battling for her life. The doctors successfully removed the bullets from her body and treated her for her severe head injury but she wasn't out of danger just yet. The doctor told him that they need to keep a close eye on her head injury could cause trouble. Elizabeth received sixteen stitches on her head. She also has a linear skull fracture. The doctor has told Silas that they will decide on her further treatment once she gains her consciousness back. Although there was no need for Silas to stay in the hospital – he couldn't leave. He had sent Maria and his father to rest while Franklin refused to leave as well. Leo was also injured but he was out of danger.

The police had told them that the shooting took place at Leo's apartment and it was being held by the police for a couple of days. It was like adding one into one for Silas – his sister and Leo had a relationship – he just wasn't sure what kind of relationship it was. Silas couldn't say that he wasn't surprised to hear about Leo and Elizabeth. Leo never went well with his family then how did he end up with his sister. If whatever happened was because of Leo – Silas doesn't care who he is – he will not let Leo go so easily. The woman, Mia, was under custody and was asking to talk to Leo which confirmed to Silas that the shooter knew Leo. The fact that the shooter knew Leo and injured him and Elizabeth and killed one innocent woman really messes up with Silas's head. There was so much they didn't know and only Elizabeth and Leo can answer them. Silas leaned back to the wall, folded his arms over his chest, and closed his eyes but sleep just wouldn't come to him.

Leo woke up once again from his sleep – the pain in his head was still there – he wasn't feeling any different from before. He woke up with the same memory as before. The memory of when Mia hit him in the head and the fact that he had left the door of his apartment open. Elizabeth – where was she? He closed his eyes tightly as the throbbing in his head increased – it was blinding. "Leo," he heard his name being called. He opened his eyes to see his father standing by his side. "Dad," he whispered – he was a little confused. How long was he passed out? When his father did fly back to Chicago? All the questions started to ring in his head.

"It is okay, Leo. You need to relax, son." Franklin said as he held his son's hand. Leo started to relax as he looked at his father looking back at him with tears in his wrinkled eyes. It has been so long since he saw him – it felt good to know that he was around, "You scared me," Franklin choked as his eyes went on the bandage around his son's head. Leo tried to reply to his father but his father beat him to it and snuffled and shook his head, "You are okay – that is all that matters," he said. "Maria was here as well – Silas sent her back to the hotel. She needed to be with Ezra," He told him. Ezra, his nephew that he has only seen in pictures – Leo never thought that he will see him for the first time in such circumstances. Once he gets better – he would love to know him. Leo was his only uncle from the maternal side anyway.

"Dad, I am fine." Leo finally spoke softly as it hurt his head to move his mouth. Franklin held Leo's hand tightly in his and nodded, "Yes, you are." He replied and kissed his son's hand. Leo smiled, "It is good to have you back, dad." He told him slowly. Franklin wiped the tears and smiled, "I missed you, son." He told Leo. Leo has never been very expressive but he felt it this time and replied, "I missed you too, dad." He replied to his old father. Leo could see the bags under his father's eyes – he was tired but he was here to be with his only son. Leo squeezed his hand in his own and said, "Dad, you need to sleep. Why don't you go back home and relax?" Leo asked his father. Franklin was silent before he replied with a smile, "I will," not telling his son that their apartment was cordon off by the police.

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