23: The Housewarming Party

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The week went rather quickly for Elizabeth and soon it was Saturday. Today she will be hosting a house warming party. A was the first gathering she will be hosting on her own – without any help. Although she doesn't know many people – she still managed to invite Ethan, Mosa, Fayette, Leo, and her neighbor, Jennifer – or should she say that Jennifer invited herself. She also managed to invite a couple of her other work colleagues, Samantha and Josh – they work on the same floor as hers and greets each other whenever they meet. Elizabeth couldn't say no to her especially when Jennifer has been nothing but nice to her and when she isn't aware of the past that Elizabeth and her fiancé hold. Jennifer told Elizabeth that Fred wouldn't make it since he is busy tonight and Elizabeth knows that he is simply ignoring Elizabeth and for once she is thankful for that. Elizabeth doesn't think she would be comfortable around Fred. She knows she will be hurt to see them together – it was already hard enough for her to grasp the news of their wedding that is just three months away.

Jennifer turned out to be a very personable woman. She is friendly and very helpful. Elizabeth likes her and in just three days – the managed to bond up to some level. But, deep down Elizabeth is guilty to know that Jennifer is still aware of her and Freddie. At so many points she decided to tell her, but back down when she saw the gleam of happiness in her eyes when she talked about Freddie and her. Maybe, it is why Elizabeth hasn't been able to fully open to Jennifer and nor is she feeling herself around her. There is a burden of bitter reality on her shoulders and she is afraid that soon or later it will not only hurt her but Jennifer as well.

"Elizabeth, if you need anything for the housewarming party tonight – just let me know, okay? I will bring it fresh from the bakery," Jennifer told Elizabeth while she helped her with moving the furniture to make some room. Elizabeth, who was deep in her thoughts, looked at Jennifer and curled her lips in a small smile before she nodded her head, "Of course, I will." Elizabeth replied and walked inside the kitchen with bowls that she borrowed from Jennifer for snacks. She put her hands on the counter and sighed. Jennifer has been nothing but extra sweet to her since she came here and now Elizabeth feels like she is stuck on the web of lies.

Jennifer owns a small bakery just a few blocks away from their building. She and her parents started the business when she was a teen. Her mother mostly used to bake, but when she was diagnosed with cancer a couple of years ago – she decided to step up and take over the kitchen. Her parents retired after her mother's sickness and now she solely runs the business and from what she had heard – her bakery is quite famous in the area. Jennifer promised to bring cake and some savory items for the party since Elizabeth didn't know what to serve her guests. Here Jennifer is helping her with everything and Elizabeth is hiding the reality of her fiancé and it makes her feel horrible. "Elizabeth," Elizabeth stood straight and turned around to see Jennifer walking in the kitchen. "Hey, are you okay?" She asked.

Elizabeth nodded her head and chuckled, "Yeah, I was just thinking about something – why? what happened?" She asked. Jennifer shook her head, "Nothing, I was just calling your name, but you weren't replying." She said. Elizabeth let out a hesitant chuckle, "Oh, it is nothing. Listen, once again thank you so much for your help – I mean it. I don't know what I would have done with your help." Elizabeth meant each word she said. Jennifer waved her hand dismissively, "It was nothing. Anyways, I am going to the bakery – just call me when you need me, okay?" She asked. Elizabeth nodded her head and thanked her again before Jennifer went back to her apartment. Elizabeth closed the door behind her and rested her forehead on the door before closing her eyes and sighing out loud, "I am such a horrible person," She whispered to herself.

Elizabeth's day went by quickly as she was busy with cleaning and making her house look homey. She also went out and bought drinks and snacks. She would have made dinner but she can hardly boil an egg. She placed everything on the table in the corner of her lounge and after making sure everything was ready – she went to get ready herself. She showered and dried her hair before she changed into a dark blue knee-length dress and applied some makeup. Just a few minutes after seven, someone ranges her doorbell. The guests finally started to arrive. She blew her cheeks and looked at herself in the mirror, "It is just a small gathering – you can do it," She told herself before she went out and opened the door to see Jennifer with few paper bags in hand and a cake box was resting on the floor. Elizabeth helped Jennifer by putting all the food Jennifer brought, "This is too much, Jennifer. How much did it cost?" She asked her grinning neighbor.

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