64: Elizabeth's Visitor.

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Elizabeth was sick and this mere thought was enough to distract Leo from work. When Leo texted her and asked if she needs his help and she politely declined – telling him that she was already feeling better from the medicines Leo delivered to her through an online service. He had to reach the hospital therefore, he couldn't visit her personally but now he was just desperately waiting for the clock to tick so, that he could go and see her and make sure that she was okay. Even when he knew that Elizabeth wasn't feeling well – yet still he was in a good mood. It was probably because he was with Elizabeth last night. He completely forgot about his problems and the bruises aching on his face when he was with her. He laughed after a long time last night – she makes him happy and he wants to do the same to her. Before Elizabeth and Leo were attacked by Mia, Leo didn't know as much about as he does now she was opening up to him more and he doesn't want to do anything but to make her feel better.

Elizabeth was in her bed – she received the medicines and chicken soup that Leo sent for her. He even left her a message in which he told her when to take medicines and what she should and shouldn't be doing. The text made Elizabeth chuckle because, in the end, it said, 'Ice cream is allowed. It will make you feel better,' Of course, he was being sarcastic – he was right – she should have listened to him. Eating ice cream in such chilly weather was a bad idea. Thankfully, her fever was gone a few hours after she had the medicine and she even had the soup that he sent. It felt nice to hear that someone was taking care of her – even though he was not present there to physically take care of her but yet it felt great to know that someone out there is being worried about Elizabeth.

Elizabeth has been in her bed since the morning – she was getting tired of staying in the bed so, she decided to take a warm bath. She left her bed messy – like she always does – no one was coming to see it. She will get it fixed by the housekeeper tomorrow morning. Her nose wasn't as runny as it was in the morning – she was already feeling much better. She stripped out of her clothes while the bathtub was being filled with warm water. She splashed water onto her face and stared into her reflection in the mirror – she had bags under her eyes and her nose has turned pink while her lips looked dry and chapped. Her hair too looked greasy – she was desperately in such of cleansing.

After the bathtub was filled with warm water – Elizabeth stepped into it and let out a sigh of relief – the warm water felt soothing to her skin. She closed her eyes and laid her head back on the tub. She will wash her hair and clean her body in a while – right now she needed to relax. While her eyes were closed – all she could think about was – Leo. The hug he gave her, the way he smiles – the way his eyes spark – it was all new to her. Maybe she had experienced them before but unfortunately, she doesn't remember. As much time Elizabeth is spending knowing Leo – the more upset she is because she can't remember the time she had already spent with him. If he is so caring when they are not together – what it must have been for Elizabeth when they were dating? This question often makes her think hard.

When the water started to get cold – Elizabeth stepped out and drained the water before she took a hot shower and cleaned her body and washed her hair. She came out of the washroom after a shower with a towel wrapped around her body. She was feeling much better after the shower – she needed to freshen up. She applied the moisturizer and changed into a plain t-shirt and a pair of yoga pants. She decided to eat order something to eat and for that, she was going to call for room service when her room's bell rang. Elizabeth knitted her eyebrows together. She pressed her lips together – thinking it must be Ethan since he is the only one that knows her room number. She straightened her wet hair and walked to open the door. Upon looking through the peephole she was surprised to see that it wasn't Ethan – but Leo waiting on the other side of the door.

Elizabeth's eyes widened. What was he doing here and how did he know about her room number? She realized that it must have been Ethan who told him. Elizabeth was all of a sudden conscious about her looks – she wanted to look good. She straightened her shirt and ran her fingers through her hair before she blew her cheeks out and opened the door to see Leo with a big paper bag in his hand. He looked at her and smiled, "Hey," he greeted. Elizabeth smiled back, "Hi," she cleared her throat and stepped aside, "Uh – please come inside," She said and turned around to see her messy room. She bit her tongue – if she only knew that Leo would be visiting – she could have called for room service. Leo stepped in and slowly closed the door behind. Elizabeth mashed her lips and turned around – all of a sudden she was very conscious about everything. "How are you feeling now?" Leo asked. He glanced around but didn't comment on the situation of the room. Elizabeth smiled and nodded her head, "I am feeling much better. Thank you for the medicines and the soup," she replied and removed the blouse she wore yesterday from the couch. "Sorry, my room is a little messy," She chuckled nervously.

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