7: Her Savior

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So, did you like it? Ethan questioned Elizabeth after both of them ordered food at the restaurant near their office. Ethan decided to treat Elizabeth with lunch after they toured where she will be working for and to say that she was impressed and excited to work with them would be an understatement. West Valley Pharma is two steps ahead of her previous workplace. She was really impressed when she was showed the laboratory where she will be working with two other of her colleagues whom she couldnt meet since they both were in a meeting. Elizabeth smiled and she sipped water. Honestly, I am so elevated. I loved everything around. I am so eager to work and come up with some useful vaccination for Zika. She answered him. He smiled nodded, I am glad that you are thinking ahead. I really like your enthusiasm. I hope you will have a great time working with us. He said. Dr. Aseel and Dr. Cohen were in a meeting or else you would have met them as well. He added. Elizabeth really wanted to meet the people she will be working with, but unfortunately, they were occupied. So, tell me about them – Dr. Aseel and Dr. Cohen, Elizabeth asked.

Ethan chuckled, Dr. Cohen previously worked in Brazil and Mexico before she joined us and Dr. Aseel – he has worked at underprivileged areas of Africa and Asia. He is an Asian, so he started working from there and made his way all the way to West Valley. He has contributed a lot to our researches. He answered. Elizabeth smiled and nodded. She is already delighted to work with such determined colleagues. I basically have no experience as comparing them – I would love to learn something from them. She replied. Ethan grinned, Thats a great thinking. See, this is why I always thought that you will do well in our company. Your determination and eagerness to learn drives you and thats one of the greatest qualities of you. He said. Elizabeth could burst with pride at the moment – for the very first time Ethan Griffiths acknowledged her for something she personally has – not because of her family background or status in the society.

After several minutes the food arrived. Elizabeth didnt have breakfast this morning, therefore, she was starving. As her knife cut through the juicy steak – Ethan spoke, You know this is where I usually come for lunch and sometimes dinner, He spoke as Elizabeth chewed the juicy morsel of steak and hummed, I can tell why, She spoke as she swallowed the morsel, This tastes amazing, She added with delight. Ethan chuckled, I am glad that you liked it. This place serves the best food and also it is equally close to the West Horizon Hospital and West Valley Pharma. Most of our staff have lunch here. He said. The place was cozy and busy – she liked it. It wasnt one of those places where her family usually eats. She doesnt like those overly expensive places full of pretentious people. She is willing to come back to this place. As they were enjoying their food and talking about Ethan Griffiths research work – they heard someone calling out Ethans name. Oh, Dr. Griffiths is here. Elizabeth turned around while Ethan looked above her shoulder to see her worse nightmare walking towards them – it was Leo Wayne and two other people.

Leos eyes meet hers and he halted while Elizabeths face went on fire. She quickly turned back around to look Ethan blowing his cheeks out before leaning back to his chair. A young woman approached them first with a grin on her face that fell when she met Elizabeths eyes, Oh – hi, I didnt see you here. I am sorry I didnt notice that Dr. Griffiths was with someone. She chuckled nervously and was about to walk back to the two males she came in with when Elizabeth stopped her. Hey, no – it is okay. We were just having lunch. I am sorry, I am new here – who are you if you dont mind me asking? Elizabeth tried to sound as much polite as she could be but, the young woman didnt look impressed or relieved. She opened her mouth to answer me when Ethan cut her off, She is Dr. Amanda Fletcher – she works at the hospital. Ethan answered. Elizabeth was confused by the lack of affability in his tone. She looked back at the woman who smiled tightly at her and nodded her head. Elizabeth smiled back, Hi, I am Elizabeth Harrison. I will be working at West Valley Pharma from next week – it is nice to meet you. She stretched her hand out which Amanda shook, It is nice to meet you too – I once again apologize for disturbing you two – please continue. She apologized again and before Elizabeth could say something she walked back to the table where Leo and other guy were already waiting for her. She couldnt help but look at Leo who looked back at her and after a brief eye contact, she turned around. She was still very embarrassed by what she did yesterday and seriously wished to never see Leo Wayne again – but her wish didnt come true.

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