72: The Unexpected Guest.

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Elizabeth and Leo spend most of the night talking about them. Leo filled her in with each detail he could fit in the night – while Elizabeth happily listened to him. She wasn't surprised to hear anything that Leo had told her – she would have if she didn't know him again – but now everything clicked for her. It was late and the weather was bad so, Elizabeth stayed the night. Although Leo was tired from the day earlier – he didn't feel worn out when he cooked for her. The sleep escaped that night for the both of them – both of them felt the same energy – the same lost spark – the excitement. Although, it all had happened before – yet it was new for them. Luckily – Leo didn't have to go to the hospital the next day unless it was an emergency.

No matter how much they loved each other – there was still a crumb of hesitation between them – maybe because they haven't said anything to each other yet or maybe it was not hesitation – maybe it was the feeling of not knowing what to do. When they decided to sleep after a hot and fresh meal Leo prepared for them – Leo decided to take a couch while he offered Elizabeth his bed, but Elizabeth suggested that the bed was big enough for both of them to sleep in. As they lay on the bed – they felt like the teenagers – young and new in love – it was truly exciting for them. They both fell asleep near dusk – it was still raining and for the first time in a long time – Elizabeth liked the storm. That was a peace and calm in it this time – or maybe it was all in her. She was in peace – she was with her peace.

Elizabeth woke up by the soft growling of clouds. She sighed and slowly opened her eyes to see that it was morning already. The blue sky was covered with gray clouds while it drizzled – it had gotten cold. She inhaled the smell of coffee and wet soil and turned to the other side of the bed to find it cold. The side where Leo was asleep was properly made. Elizabeth looked around to see that nothing was out of place – Leo was very organized while she was a walking mess. She decided to get up and go out – usually, when she is at her own home – she doesn't even bother to make her bed until after breakfast but right now she was at Leo's place so she quickly folded the blanket and made the bed before she went to the bathroom to freshen up.

Leo didn't think that Elizabeth would wake up at nine in the morning – they slept pretty late. He saw Elizabeth fixing the bedsheet and chuckled – he didn't forget anything. Elizabeth has always been extremely messy – he knows that she wouldn't have made the bed if she was at her place. Leo woke up early – he couldn't sleep longer even though he was very tired when he went to bed last night, it was probably due to the excitement of having Elizabeth with him – he was acting like a teenager and he didn't mind it at all. He woke up about an hour ago – he showered and then came straight to the kitchen to make Elizabeth breakfast. He had already made her coffee – just the way she likes it with cream and a teaspoon of sugar. He took two eggs from the fridge and also put four bread slices in the toaster. He knows that she doesn't like bacon since she was a teenager and got food poisoning from eating a spoiled one so he didn't prepare them.

Elizabeth walked out of his room and smiled when she saw Leo frying eggs. She walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter – Leo looked behind him and smiled, "Did you find the toothbrush I left for you?" He asked. Elizabeth nodded her head, "Yes, I did." She answered. She found it incredibly sweet that Leo left out a new toothbrush for her – he must know how she feels about brushing teeth in the morning – she is not the most organized person but she is very keen on hygiene. "Thank you for that," She added. Leo winked at her before he took two fried eggs on a plate. "No problem. Come on, have a seat – I made you fried and toast – just the way you like," He said and placed the plate of eggs and a separate plate of toast on the counter.

Elizabeth smiled and wordlessly looked at him – when he saw a huge smile stretched on her face – he halted and chuckled, "What?" He asked. Elizabeth bit her lower lip and sighed, "I think I have a lot to teach you," She shrugged. Leo narrowed his eyes, "Really? Like what?" He asked playfully. Elizabeth hummed and slowly walked closer to him – she placed a hand on her chest and fisted the material of her sweater, "Lesson number one: Always kiss your girlfriend good morning when she is staying over," She spoke slowly. Leo glanced at her moving lips before he looked into her eyes, "Lesson learned," he replied before he circled his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. Elizabeth gasped as she didn't expect him to act on it so suddenly – but a smile made on her lips when he touches hers. She circled her arms around his neck and let that man kiss her passionately. Elizabeth loved every bit of it. His tongue, his minty breath, his soft yet dried lips, his firm hold on her waist, her body squeezed into his – she was enjoying every bit of it until Leo slowly pull away and sighed, "As much as I don't want to stop – breakfast is getting cold," He whispered.

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