74: Confession.

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After Sharon and Liam left – Elizabeth didn't have a dress to wear for the event, so she decided to go buy one – she wasn't sure if Leo wanted to come with her but when she asked – he didn't decline and told her that he will drive her around since she didn't have a car. While Leo was showering before they left – Elizabeth had thought of seeing Jennifer before she leaves. She wasn't going to confront her or degrade her – but ask her to keep on the work she is supposed to do for the wedding.

Elizabeth wasn't the girl who was going to mess up Maria's wedding and Jennifer's opportunity just because Jen tried to kiss her boyfriend – she way passes the phase when she made issues of such matters. Leo made it clear that he was not interested in Jen and that he didn't kiss her back and even Jennifer said so. Elizabeth doesn't think that there is any need to make a fuss of this anymore – it has been done. She is moving on and she believes that Jennifer deserves the same.

"Let's go," Leo said as he walked out of his room – his hair still wet from the shower but he had brushed them back slickly. Elizabeth smiled, "At least dry your hair – we don't want you to catch a cold," She said. Leo chuckled, "I always keep them wet – I never caught a cold. Don't worry, I am good. Shall we?" He asked and waved his hand towards the front door. Elizabeth – who was already waiting for Leo to come out – grabbed her handbag and nodded before she and Leo exited his apartment.

"What kind of dress do you want to wear?" Leo asked as they made their way towards the elevator. Elizabeth sighed, "Something sexy," She grinned. Leo glanced at her and clear his throat. There was a small pause before, "You will rock it," He said and winked at her as they went down. Elizabeth was surprised by his response – she honestly thought that he would act all jealous and weird – even if he was feeling like it – or not – Elizabeth couldn't tell. Leo was good at masking his emotions and that was one thing that bothers Elizabeth.

As they were driving to the mall Elizabeth bit her lip before she spoke, "Hey, I was wondering if I could visit Jennifer sometime today or maybe tomorrow morning?" She asked – trying to act casual. Leo glanced at her before he brought his eyebrows together and slowly nodded his head, "Uh – yes, sure. I can drive you there before I go for work – her bakery is near my apartment." He replied. Elizabeth narrowed her eyes, "Tomorrow is Sunday – you have work tomorrow?" She asked. Leo sighed, "I am a doctor – I don't have specific days off. It is my off day today so, I have to show up for work tomorrow." He shrugged. Elizabeth nodded her head before she went silent – she will be leaving tomorrow for New York. She wanted to spend each moment with him before that – maybe it wasn't happening.

Surprisingly for Leo, it didn't take Elizabeth too long before she selected an elegant tea-pink dress that landed to her knees. It was beautiful and it looked extra good on her. After buying the dress, Leo bought blueberry ice cream for Elizabeth before he decided to take her to her hotel room – it was already late and they were supposed to go to a party and he was sure that Elizabeth was supposed to get ready. Elizabeth was enjoying her ice cream when she realized that they weren't going to Leo's place. She brought her eyebrows together, "Where are we going?" She asked. Leo glanced at her, "To the hotel, you are staying in," he answered. "Why?" She asked. Leo looked at her before his eyes went back on the road, "Aren't you supposed to get ready for the gathering? Isn't all your stuff in your hotel room?" He asked slowly. Elizabeth's eyes widened – she completely forgot about it, "Oh my God, yes!" she laughed. "Wow, I did not think of that," She playfully slapped her forehead. Leo chuckled, "Don't worry – I got your covered," he replied.

Elizabeth smiled appreciatively and bit her lip before she offered Leo a bite of her ice cream by stretching the ice cream cone close to his mouth so he could take a bite while he drove. Leo glanced at her before he smiled and gladly had some of it. The car stopped at the traffic signal just at the time he took a bite – causing some of the ice cream to get on the corner of his mouth as well. Elizabeth and Leo chuckled at the same time. The car wasn't moving so Leo brought his hand to the corner of his lip to remove the ice cream off his skin but Elizabeth stopped him by grabbing his hand.

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