33: Who Is Mia?

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Elizabeth let Leo in. Leo silently got in as his eyes went to the couch where her belongings were carelessly placed. His eyes went on the center carpet – he could see it hasn't been vacuumed lately. He looked around to see how messy everything was. Leo sighed as he realized that he never paid attention to anything around when he was with her. He didn't even try to notice how she was living, what she does or anything at all about her. Deep down he felt guilty and at that moment felt disgusted with himself. Elizabeth must feel like he was using her for his physical pleasure only – but it isn't true. She means something to him. "Have a seat," She waved her hands towards the distorted couch. Leo looked around to see if she had the company again this time. Elizabeth chuckled and shook her head before answering his unasked question, "She is not home yet and if you wondering if she lives here then – yes, she moved in with me." She added. His reply made Leo guiltier. Elizabeth gave away what he wanted to know without him even asking and he couldn't do the same.

He sighed and was about to sit on the couch when Elizabeth stopped him, "Actually," Leo looked at her as she gazed at him before she looked towards her room – a room that Leo vividly remembers. She mashed her lips before she asked, "Do you mind a little cold?" Leo knitted his eyebrows together, "I don't get it," he replied bewilderedly. "I would like to have a smoke, so do you mind sitting with me in the balcony?" She asked. Leo never minds cold – he likes it. He smiled softly and nodded his head, "Sure," he replied. Elizabeth replied with a small smile, "All right, would you like to drink a beer, or maybe I can make you some coffee – although, I can ruin it completely, what is the harm in trying?" She shrugged. Leo chuckled and shook his head, "No, just beer will be fine." He replied. He had to have something to calm his nerves when he talks to her. Elizabeth will be the first person he will be talking voluntarily – it is not so easy for him to open up to somebody when all he did in his life is keeping secrets and living in a shell.

Elizabeth walked back to him with two bottles of beer and a pack of cigarettes in her hand. She handed one bottle to Leo before wordlessly walked into her room. Leo figured that she wants him to follow her and walked after her. A small smile stretched on his lips when he saw how messy Elizabeth is. Her shoes and clothes were on the floor, her dressing table was messy, her laptop and some books and files were carelessly on what seemed like her work table and her table was distorted. He has been to this room before, but at that time he couldn't look around. He vividly remembered the night – he remembers each moment of it and he doesn't regret it.

"Come on," he heard Elizabeth's voice. He looked at her standing by the sliding glass door which would lead them to the open air. He didn't realize that he halted and looked around her room shamelessly. He cleared his throat, "Sorry," he mumbled before walked into the balcony before her. It was a huge place – just perfect for two or maybe three people. There were two bean couches on the floor. Leo smiled when he saw the plants in a small pot just before the glass railing. Elizabeth might be very careless but he noticed how perfectly trimmed and fresh the plants looked – there was no doubt she was taking good care of them. With his back to her and his fins softly brushing on the inner of the rose petal that freshly stood – Leo smiled, "Do you like gardening?" He asked her.

When he didn't get a reply from her – he turned around to look at her. Elizabeth stood behind him with her eyes slightly narrowed and her lips stretched into a small smile. She chuckled, which only confused Leo. He knitted his eyebrows together, "What?" He asked. She shook her head, "Nothing. It is just that this is the first time you ever asked me something about myself since we started –" she paused and sighed, "Whatever it is between us," she added. Leo looked down and pressed his lips together before he sighed and looked back at her, "I know," he nodded his head. "And for that I am sorry," he added. Elizabeth smiled, "It is all right," she said before the two of them were once again silent. Elizabeth blew her cheeks out and looked at him, "Listen, if it is too early for you – you can –" she started but Leo stopped him, "No, it is about time." He answered her.

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