30: So Close

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Elizabeth was upset with Leo when she left the café – all he talks about is how bad my brother is and how he doesn't trust him or any of us. It pains her to know that when she is way ahead of him – he is still stuck behind trying to trust her and her family. She wants so much more from him and she isn't getting them. Maybe she is just expecting too much from him. She couldn't stay and argue with him especially when she has to take Fayette with her to her apartment. She had a rough day and she must be very tired – so without further ado, Elizabeth drove back to her office and picked up Fayette who was already waiting for her. Fay put her belongings in the back seat – which weren't many. As Fay was getting in the car– Elizabeth saw Mosa standing beside his car looking at them. His eyes met Elizabeth as he smiled at her – she smiled back at him and nodded her head – reassuring him that Fay was safe with her.

Elizabeth does not doubt in her mind that Mosa likes her, but what bothers her is why they don't get along. She could see that Mosa tries – but Fay always pushes him away. Elizabeth looked at Fay as she gets in and smiled at her, "Shall we?" She asked. Fay smiled back at her and nodded, "Yes, please." She replied. Elizabeth puts her car into gear and slowly drove passing Mosa – Elizabeth glanced at him as they drove away. As the exited the office's premises Fayette let out a tired sigh. Elizabeth glanced at her before her eyes went back on the road. "You must be very tired," Elizabeth spoke. Fayette turned her head to look at her and nodded her head softly, "I am – I didn't even blink asleep in the past twenty-four hours." She replied. Elizabeth felt bad for her. She nodded her head, "Just don't worry about anything, alright? You can stay as long as you want. It is quite exciting for me as well – I never had a roommate before," Elizabeth told her.

Fayette raised her eyebrow, "Never?" She asked. Elizabeth simply shook her head. Fayette chuckled, "Wow, lucky you – my whole life I never had a room or a house to me." She replied. "When I was a kid – I had to share my room with sister and when I moved out – I always had a roommate," Fayette opened up a little. Elizabeth smiled as she heard Fayette speak – she was glad she was opening to her. As they get close to Elizabeth's building – she asked Fayette, "It must have been nice to have a sister. Ask me about it," She spoke dismissively, "I just have two elder brothers – I always needed a sister – unfortunately I never had one." She added. When Fayette didn't reply to her – Elizabeth turned her head to look at Fay to see her zoned out. Elizabeth drove inside the parking basement and stopped the car. She looked at Fay and knitted her eyebrows together, "Fayette?" She called her out softly.

Fayette immediately looked towards her and blinked her eyes rapidly, "Hey, sorry – I zoned out." She shuttered a little. Before Elizabeth could ask if she was okay – Fayette looked out of the car, "Oh, we are here." She mumbled. Elizabeth decided not to push her and nodded her head with a smile, "Yes, we are here. Let me help you with your stuff." She said and both of them stepped out of the car. Elizabeth helped Fayette in bringing her limited belongings up to her apartment. She unlocked the door and pushed it open, "Welcome," Elizabeth waved her hand and asked Fayette to come in and she did with a small smile on her face. Fayette looked around, "Your apartment looks different with all the furniture on its place," Fay commented as she slowly walked in. Elizabeth smiled and turned around to close the door behind her to see Fred coming out of his apartment – Elizabeth didn't wait or glanced at him twice and simply closed the door before locking it. She is still new to the place and doesn't trust anyone enough to leave her door unlocked.

"I know, right? My apartment is more spacious with all the furniture aside," Elizabeth answered him. Fayette smiled and nodded, "But, you have a very beautiful place." She complimented. Elizabeth smiled back, "Thank you," she said and put Fay's bag she had in her hand and pointed towards one of the vacant rooms, "Come on let me show you your new room." she said and asked Fayette to follow her. Fayette hesitated for a second before she slowly followed her to the room. Elizabeth opened the door of the room and walked in before she switched open the lights to bring the life back to the room. Fayette gasped softly when she saw the room, "This room is huge," she said to Elizabeth. Elizabeth looked around and shrugged – she doesn't think so, maybe because she never saw a real small room before. Fayette turned her head to Elizabeth, "Are you sure you want to give me this room? I mean – I can stay in a smaller room." She pointed out.

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