19: Is It Too Hard To Get?

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It was time to return home from a tensed day at work for Elizabeth. She didn't bring up what she witnessed in the parking lot between Mosa and Fayette, but she was still curious about what had happened that caused Fayette to dislike Mosa and to hit him as well. There was an immense tension between the two of them at work. Mosa wasn't his usual self and Fayette was distant as well – as always. She could even bring herself to ask Mosa what's wrong with him – he looked agitated. Both of them left without saying goodbye to Elizabeth like always and it didn't surprise her. She too wanted to head home, but she couldn't – not yet. She had lied to her new neighbors or if put in more twisted words – her ex-boyfriend and his fiancé that she will not be home to have dinner with them and to ignore them – she can do anything.

There was so much on her mind all day. Freddie and she were in a long-distance relationship for three years – if he had issues with it he could have ended it long before he decided to cheat on her and here – hardly after six months of their breakup – he is engaged. Maybe he always has been with her behind Elizabeth's back, but even if that was it – why did he kept up with Elizabeth and broke her heart into pieces by breaking up with her and cheating on her. She sighed and fisted her hair, "God, I just want to go home and sleep," She mumbled. "Then, why don't you?" She lifted her head to see Ethan standing with a smile on his face. She chuckled, "I have somewhere else to be," she replied tiredly. He nodded, "Is there something I can help you with?" He asked. She smiled and stood up on her feet, "You have already done more than enough, Ethan." Elizabeth told him. "And it was my pleasure," He replied as he placed his hand on his chest.

"So, how is it going at your new apartment? Did you meet any of your neighbors yet?" Ethan questioned. Elizabeth wished she could share how miserable she feels to go back to her much loved new apartment only because of her neighbors – but she knows she can't. Elizabeth pressed her lips together and nodded, "Yes, I met Jennifer this morning – she brought me pancakes," She replied and remember how the pancakes much still are resting on the table in her apartment.

"Oh, yes – Jennifer and Freddie. I met them once I came to see how work was going on at your apartment. They complained about how noisy the workers were being." He told me. "They are husband and wife – I believe?" He tried to recall and almost immediately she corrected him, "Fiancé." She said. She doesn't know why she had an urge to correct him – it was like she didn't like the fact that he called them husband and wife – maybe she isn't completely over Freddie yet. This thought scared her. She can't feel this way. He cheated on her. She can't like him anymore. "Right, they are engaged," Ethan recalled.

Ethan clapped his hands together, "So, when is the housewarming party?" He asked with a grin on his face. She completely forgot about it. She wasn't sure whom to invite if she hosts a house warming party. She doesn't know much people around yet. "I am not sure who to invite really," She told him the truth. "There will be me, Ms. Cohen, Mr. Aseel, Dr. Wayne and maybe your neighbors?" He suggested. That was recipe for disaster. Fayette and Mosa in the same room can cause so much tension around. Leo and Elizabeth are always awkward around each other and she hardly doubts he will come even she invites him and her neighbors? She wanted to laugh at that thought. Their presence will be nothing but painful. She smiled, "Yeah, sure." She nodded and dismissed it. Ethan was going to say something when he was interrupted by the third voice. "Uh, excuse me." Elizabeth and Ethan looked around to see Leo standing a few feet away from them.

"Oh, Dr. Wayne, good to see you here. How is Liam doing now?" Ethan asked. Leo glanced at Elizabeth before he nodded his head who was already looking at him, "He is okay now. He was discharged this morning." He told him. Ethan nodded and smiled, "That's good to know. So, what brings you here?" He asked. Leo glanced at Elizabeth and replied, "Well, I wanted to talk to Elizabeth." He pointed out towards her. Elizabeth knitted my eyebrows as he glanced at her – she wasn't sure what he was talking about. She really hoped that everything was okay because Leo hardly ever talks to her. It had to be something very important. Ethan smiled, "Alright, I will see you tomorrow, Elizabeth. And I will see you at the hospital or at Elizabeth's housewarming party since I will not be coming to the hospital for a few days." He told him before winked at Elizabeth and walked away.

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