22: A New Friend, Maybe?

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Elizabeth was lucky enough to get Leo's number from Maria without her bombing Elizabeth with questions. Maria simply asked why she needed it and if everything was okay and Elizabeth replied that she wants to invite him to her house-warming party – which was true. Elizabeth is quite nervous to invite him. There is a part of her that believes that he will come and then there is a part of her that thinks a little more logically and it believes he will not. Leo hasn't contacted her nor did she saw him after the heated kiss they shared in the parking lot the other night. But, Elizabeth didn't want to keep it going like it as – they are in a continuous game of hiding and occasional kissing and she wants to know what was really between them before her feelings for him escalate. She doesn't want to be left heartbroken as she did before.

Elizabeth glanced at her cellphone and bit her lower lip – she has his number on the dialer, but she hasn't pressed to call him yet. She took a deep breath and briefly closed his eyes before she finally called him. "Here you go, Elizabeth," She whispered to herself as the bell rang. After a few rings when she thought he wouldn't pick up – he did. "Hello," she heard his sleepy voice. Elizabeth closed her eyes tightly and smacked her forehead – she must have woken him up from sleep. He must have been on shift last night. "Hello, who is it?" He asked again. Elizabeth licked her dried lips and replied, "Um – hey, it's – um Elizabeth," She replied. There was nothing but silence from the other side. Elizabeth sighed, "I am sorry it sounds like I woke up – um, I am sorry," she added. "No," He spoke just when she was about to hang up. "Uh, it is okay. I was just about to wake up anyways," He added. After a small pause he spoke again, "Is everything okay?" He asked. Elizabeth gulped nervously and replied, "Yes, everything is fine," she stood on her feet and strolled. "I got your number from Maria," She told him just in case he is wondering where she got her number from, "I wanted to give you an invitation," She added. She could imagine him knitted his eyebrows together before he asked, "An invitation for what?" he asked. She smiled as her nervousness was fading away, "I am having a house-warming party or you can say a gathering at my new apartment on Saturday, so I would like you to come as well," She properly gave him an invitation.

Leo didn't speak immediately – she heard him sigh, "I can try, but I cannot confirm if I will be able to make it," He replied. The smile on Elizabeth's lips slipped. "Oh," she said. "It all depends on my shift that day," He added. "Uh, but I can try." He replied. Elizabeth nodded her head slowly, "Alright, uh – sure. Okay. Okay, then. Uh, alright," Elizabeth mashed her lips together and stopped herself from speaking any more. There was absolutely and painful silence on both sides. Elizabeth wanted to talk about the kiss they shared that night, but she isn't sure how to bring it up – so, she didn't, but she had to kill the most uncomfortable silence so she cleared her throat, "Alright then, I will see on Saturday – maybe," she said. "Yeah maybe," He replied. She sighed, "Okay, then I will see you later – bye," she said. "Bye," He replied before she hung up. She blew her cheeks and went back to work – she doesn't have time to think about him especially when he is not being clear about his feelings and nor, is she.

Elizabeth came back to her empty apartment a little later than usual. She had some results to report by tonight. She came back and tiredly sat on the couch – although she was hungry – she didn't want to cook anything nor is it like she can. So, she decided to order a pizza and went to take shower. After a quick shower, she changed into cotton shorts and long sleeves purple shirt and walked in her small closet to find her flip flop when her eyes went on the box in which the gifts and dairy from her mother were in. Since she moved to the new apartment – she hardly ever got any time to read the rest of her diary – since she will be at home tonight – she took the diary out of the box and walked out of the closet. She sat on her couch with a bottle of water while she waited for the pizza to be delivered. She drank water and placed the bottle on the coffee table before she opened her mother's diary. She sniffed the pages and closed her eyes as her mother came in her mind – the mother she adored – not the one that destroyed everything. She gulped down the lump she started to feel in her throat and resumed reading from where she had left. It was a new part. She sighed and read.

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