68: Jen's Confession.

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Elizabeth's wish has left Leo in a dubiety. He wasn't sure if it was a good idea – he doesn't want to make anyone of them uncomfortable. Liam and Elizabeth both have been traumatized by Mia and Leo wonders that if bring them together will be distorting for the both of them – he doesn't want to create any more mess than he had already done. It has been two days since Leo last talk to Elizabeth – she was probably busy therefore she was replying to him late and wouldn't answer his call like before. Leo had his shift done at the hospital and he was walking to get in his car when his phone rang – it was Jennifer. He answered it, "Hey, Jen." He greeted her with a small smile on his face.

Jennifer took her time to answer back – Leo for a second thought that he lost her but then she spoke – in a soft voice, "Leo, come you come and see me?" She sounded like she has been crying. Leo brought his eyebrows together, "Jennifer, what happened?" He asked. She let out a sob and it clinched Leo's heart – something was very wrong. "Jen, answer me? Is everything okay?" He asked again – getting in the car. Jen snuffled and replied, "No, nothing is okay, Leo. Please come see me." She pleaded while she bawled her eyes out. Leo realized that she wasn't going to answer his question now and he was too concern to waste the time asking her when he can be with her. "Okay, I am on my way," he replied before he cut off the call and started the car before he speeds towards Jen's new apartment.

In New York, Elizabeth walked out of her room to see Silas stepping out of his – softly closing the door behind him. Elizabeth heaved a sigh as she slowly walked to him, "Hey, how is she doing now?" Elizabeth asked while glancing towards the closed door. Silas looked stressed – he blew his cheeks out and rubbed his face, "I was finally able to put her to sleep." He replied – his voice was down and was filled with concern. Elizabeth had never seen Maria break down like she did this morning. It all started with Maria falling and unable to get up while Ezra cried for her attention. Ezra's caretaker was away and she usually helps Maria out but with her gone and with Silas at work – Maria was alone taking care of the baby. Elizabeth somewhere felt guilty – she was in the house but she was busy on a call. She was talking to Ethan – finalizing her contract with him. She heard Maria's loud cry and leaped towards her room to see her on the floor – trying to get up while crying hysterically.

Elizabeth knows that Maria has been doubting her motherhood since she and Silas got Ezra but she never knew that Maria would be so deeply affected by this. Elizabeth sighed and placed her hand on her brother's shoulder, "It is going to be okay, Silas. Just give her a little time. She needs to adjust to the never changes in her life," Elizabeth tried to reason. Silas placed his hands on his hips and chewed his lower lip – his eyes zoomed out for a while before he looked at his sister, "I don't know, Elizabeth. Sometimes, I just wonder if everything will ever be okay between us or not – what if I am just making void promises to her." He said and scratched over his eyebrow. Before Elizabeth could reply to him – he spoke again, "Anyway, I have some calls to make. Can you please keep an eye on her and Ezra for a while?" He asked. Elizabeth nodded her head before she saw him leave.

It has been almost twenty minutes since Leo came to Jennifer's place and all she has been doing since is cry. Leo has been trying to talk to her but she seems pretty shook up, "Jennifer, you have to talk to me – tell me who did this?" Leo clenched his jaws together while he eyed the bruise on her forehead. Deep down he knows who did this and it was boiling his blood – he was a second from going to him and beating his ass. Leo pressed his lips together, "Was it him, Jennifer?" He asked. Jennifer lifted her head to look at him and snuffled before she had a hiccup, "No,' she shook her head. She could see the anger in his eyes and it scared her. It looked like Leo could kill. "Jennifer, don't lie to me." Leo pressurized. "I am not lying, Leo. It wasn't Fred." She replied.

Although Jennifer told him that it wasn't her ex but yet Leo didn't calm down – his body was stiff and he was intendedly looking into her eyes – looking for answers, "I don't know who it was." She started in a small voice – still shook up by the event. "I – I opened the bakery like every day, but – but then – these guys in black masks and guns came in. They destroyed my entire bakery, Leo." Jennifer sobbed. Leo's eyes softened as Jennifer continued, "They – they broke the counter, the tables, the chairs – they even broke the window. When – when – I tried to stop them – they hit me with the gun and put it on my head," She said and placed her hands over her chest before she broke down. The traumatic event ran through her eyes.

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