50: Moving On.

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It has been two weeks since Leo last saw Elizabeth. Although it has been two weeks yet her words were fresh in his mind like she had just spoken them. "Leo, I am so confused. I don't know where I stand. I am unaware of truth – of what is happening – I am just – I am in a very blurred phase and – uh – I think – I should figure everything out on my own," she said as she looked in his eyes, "Alone," she added softly – trying not to hurt Leo more than she had already done. Leo can never forget the way he felt when she said that – she didn't need him but he couldn't do it without her so, he tried to reason her, "Elizabeth – I – get it. I know it is hard but – I can be here for you – to – I am here to help," Leo tried – he did. At first, he didn't plan on trying to make her change her mind but when the tightness in his chest increased and when the fear of losing her surrounded him – suffocating him – he had to try. Elizabeth closed her eyes briefly before she opened them with tears in her eyes – she didn't look back at him but kept his gaze down. "Please," his voice wobbled. "Please don't make this hard for me, Leo. I know I am being selfish here but I need some space and time to figure out everything." She snuffled as a tear fell from her eyes. She lifted her eyes and looked back at Leo's – his eyebrows were brought together. His eyes were teary – his chest tightened, "I am sorry – I cannot do this now, Leo – I am so sorry." Elizabeth cried.

Elizabeth was asking for too much from Leo but he knew that he had to give her what she wanted so he didn't try to push her. He simply nodded his head, "Alright, I will give you what you want." He said as he took a deep breath. It was so hard for him to control his tears but he had to keep them in. He blew his cheeks out, "Um – I can only wish you the best of luck. If – um – you ever need any help – don't hesitate to come to me for it." He told her to which she didn't react immediately – she just bowed her head and after a while spoke, "I am so sorry, Leo." She said again to which he forced a small smile, "It is alright," he replied with glossy eyes. It was getting harder for him to stay in the same room as her so, he cleared his throat and got on his feet, "Uh – your family must be waiting for you – I should leave," he told her. Elizabeth wanted to apologize one more time but Leo didn't give her the time and with a last glance at her – he left. What Elizabeth doesn't know is that Leo cried for her that night.

Leo will be returning to the hospital today – for two weeks he has been resting but his mind never went to rest – he was restless and miserable during this time. His external wounds might be healing quickly but he was badly wounded inside – but he was Leo – and Leo never shows what broke him – like always he plastered a fake mask on his face – pretending that he was okay. Leo has been living in a hotel room for the past two weeks – he wasn't sure if he was ready to move back to his place. He doesn't believe that he will ever find peace at that place again and therefore – he has decided to sell it and get a new place – that apartment holds some major bad memories that overshadowed all the good ones he had – mostly with his family and Elizabeth. But since Elizabeth and he is no longer together – he wants to keep everything in the past – along with the apartment. He dressed his wound that was healing nicely and then changed into fresh clothes before he walked out where his father and sister were already waiting for him.

Maria and Franklin were engaged in a conversation when they saw Leo walking out, "Morning," Leo greeted them monotonously and went into the kitchen without waiting for them to reply. Maria sighed as she saw her brother take the carton of milk out and pour it into the glass. Even though Leo thinks that he hasn't changed the way he behaves after Elizabeth broke up with him – but she and everyone around can see a clear difference in him – he has gone more tedious and indistinct. Maria felt as if the Leo that came back from Afghanistan has taken over his brother. It took him such a long time to find happiness only to be brought back to his hushed self. "Leo, are you sure about selling the apartment?" Franklin asked his son.

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